🌾 Chapter Twenty-Six : The Sinister Scheme veiled

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The plane touched down at the London airport, signaling the end of Marc's journey from Italy.

He, Remy, Jim, and Lorenzo, along with their companions, had spent months abroad, engaging in business ventures that thrived under the shadows. As they disembarked and made their way through the bustling airport, Marc felt a mix of anticipation and weariness.

As Remy and Jim excused themselves to attend to personal matters, Marc found himself alone with Lorenzo.

There was an air of intrigue surrounding Lorenzo's intentions, his words veiled in cryptic meaning. Marc strained to catch every word, sensing that something sinister was at play.

Yet, he chose to give Lorenzo the benefit of the doubt, hoping for a logical explanation.

The two men found a quiet corner where they could converse away from prying eyes. Lorenzo leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper. "Marc, there's something we need to discuss," he began, his tone laced with both caution and excitement.

Marc furrowed his brow, trying to decipher Lorenzo's intentions. He knew Lorenzo was ambitious, always eager to climb higher within their East End London Mafia circle.

But this conversation seemed different, a tinge of treachery hidden beneath the surface.

Lorenzo continued, choosing his words carefully. "You see, Marc, our organization thrives on power and control. And in order for me to reach the heights I desire, sacrifices must be made."

Marc's heart skipped a beat, a wave of unease washing over him. He had always trusted Lorenzo, relying on him as a loyal ally. But now, a seed of doubt took root, whispering of hidden motives and potential betrayal.

Before Marc could respond, Remy and Jim called out, their voices piercing the air. Their interruption provided a temporary reprieve, deflecting the intensity of Lorenzo's words.

Marc glanced at Lorenzo, catching a fleeting smirk on his face, a glimpse of a man who reveled in the chaos he could create.

Gathering himself, Marc nodded curtly to Lorenzo. "We'll continue this conversation later," he stated firmly, making it clear that he would not allow Lorenzo's words to go unanswered.


Marc stepped through the front door, his heart pounding with anticipation and longing. It had been months since he had last seen his wife, Rosea, and their son, Earl.

 The weight of their absence had weighed heavily on him during his time in Italy. Now, as the end of summer bathed their home in a warm glow, he couldn't wait to hold them in his arms again.

As Marc entered the living room, he saw Rosea standing there, a mixture of excitement and nervousness etched on her face. 

Earl, now a year old, stood on wobbly legs, his eyes bright with curiosity. Marc's heart swelled at the sight of his little family, and he could feel the emotions welling up inside him.

Unable to contain himself any longer, Marc rushed forward, his steps quickening. Rosea's eyes widened as she saw him approaching, and a smile spread across her lips.

She opened her arms, and Marc enveloped her in a tight embrace, holding her close as if afraid to let go.

Their bodies pressed together, Marc could feel Rosea's warmth and the softness of her touch. It was a bittersweet moment, filled with a yearning that only absence could create.

Their embrace conveyed a depth of love and longing that words could not express.

As they finally pulled apart, Marc's eyes fell upon Earl, who was watching them with wide-eyed wonder. He bent down, scooping his son up into his arms.

Earl giggled, his tiny hands reaching out to touch Marc's face, as if trying to memorize every contour.

Marc's heart swelled with an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude. He showered Earl with kisses, relishing in the sound of his laughter.

Rosea stood beside them, her eyes shining with happiness and love.

In that moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the three of them—Marc, Rosea, and Earl.

It was a love scene filled with tenderness, the kind that can only be found in the embrace of family.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow into the room, Marc realized that this was the place where he truly belonged.

No matter the dangers of his life as a leader of the East End London Mafia or the responsibilities of his business empire, his heart was rooted here, with Rosea and Earl.

Together, they stood as a beacon of love and strength, their bond unbreakable. In this love scene, they found comfort and hope for the future.

And so, as the end of summer wrapped them in its embrace, Marc, Rosea, and Earl basked in the warmth of their love, creating memories that would last a lifetime.

End of chapter twenty-six.

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