🌾 Chapter Twenty-Five : Figure of Doubt

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Inside the dimly lit study room of Mr. Spencer's house, the night was draped in silence. 

The room was adorned with shelves filled with books on criminology, evidence files neatly arranged, and a large wooden desk where Mr. Spencer spent countless hours buried in his work.

His role as a professor of criminology at Orman University gave him a unique perspective on the criminal world, but there was more to his responsibilities than met the eye.

On this particular night, Mr. Spencer found himself preoccupied with thoughts of Marc's journey to Italy, accompanied by his trusted associates and Lorenzo, an Italian mafia figure.

Concern gnawed at him, knowing that his daughter, Rosea, and his beloved grandson, Earl, remained at the mansion without Marc's protective presence.

He felt a deep sense of responsibility towards their well-being.

As he continued to contemplate the situation, a glimmer of determination sparked within Mr. Spencer.

He knew he had a hidden task, working covertly with an inspector to keep a watchful eye on the activities of various criminal elements, including Marc June and his entourage, as well as Lorenzo and a notorious gangster known to roam the streets.

Pulled by a mix of duty and his paternal instincts, Mr. Spencer resolved to take action. He reached into a drawer, retrieving a file containing carefully compiled information.

With a flicker of hesitation, he unfolded the document, revealing photographs of Marc and Lorenzo. These were the faces of the men he was tasked to apprehend, to bring them to justice and ensure the safety of his family and the city they called home.

But as his gaze lingered on Marc's image, doubt crept into Mr. Spencer's mind. He pondered the consequences of his actions and the potential impact they could have on Rosea's fragile heart.

He knew the depth of her affection for Marc, and capturing him would undoubtedly shatter her world.

Yet, Mr. Spencer couldn't ignore his duty to protect the innocent and uphold the law. Resolute in his decision, he devised a plan. He would patiently wait for Marc and Lorenzo's return to London in two weeks' time.

Once they were within his grasp, he would take swift action, ensuring Lorenzo faced justice while wrestling with his conflicted emotions towards his son-in-law.

As the night pressed on, Mr. Spencer meticulously organized his findings and prepared his lectures for the coming days.

He hoped that by the time Marc returned, he would have unraveled the complexities of his emotions and devised a way to shield Rosea from the truth, if possible.

In the depths of his study, surrounded by knowledge and the weight of his secret obligations, Mr. Spencer remained committed to his dual roles – the professor of criminology, imparting wisdom to eager students, and the silent guardian, working tirelessly to protect his family and the city from the lurking shadows of crime.


As Mr. Spencer stepped out of his house, the morning air greeted him with a gentle breeze, carrying a sense of anticipation.

As he left his house in the morning and got into his car, he didn't notice that someone was watching him from behind a wall.

These were people working for Lorenzo, keeping a close eye on Mr. Spencer because they knew he was up to something. They wanted to make sure he didn't interfere with their plans.

Mr. Spencer started his car and drove off, unaware that he was being monitored. He had a routine of going to the university where he worked as a professor. But little did he know, there were dangers lurking around him.

The people watching him knew how important his role was and they were determined to protect their criminal activities. They exchanged looks with each other, understanding the risks involved.

Mr. Spencer continued driving, focused on his daily routine. He didn't realize that there were secrets he held and knowledge he possessed that had drawn the attention of those involved in organized crime.

He drove with determination, not knowing that he was being followed. He thought about the delicate balance he had to maintain, being a respected professor during the day and fighting crime behind the scenes.

As he drove closer to the university, he was unaware of the growing threat behind him. He didn't know that Lorenzo's people were getting closer, keeping a close watch on him.

The road stretched out before him, reflecting the uncertain path he was on. He was determined to protect his family and the city from criminals, even though the danger was getting closer.

End of chapter twenty-five.

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