🌾 Chapter Six : An Illicit Deal and a Chance Encounter

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Two years later, it was 1952, and Marc, along with his associates, had illegal business dealings with the Italians. They met at an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town to discuss the details of their plan.

"Alright lads, listen up," Marc said, looking around at his companions. "We're going to be selling bootleg whiskey to the Italians. They've got the money, we've got the goods."

Jake spoke up, "But won't the coppers be onto us?"

Marc shook his head. "We've done this before, mate. Not if we keep our heads down and our mouths shut. We'll do the deal tonight and be out of here before anyone knows what's happened."

As they were finalizing the details of the deal, they heard a loud bang on the door. They all drew their shooters, ready for a scrap. The door swung open to reveal a group of Italian mobsters, all armed to the teeth.

"Ah, Marc! Good to see you," said the leader of the Italian gang, a tall, imposing man with slicked-back hair.

"Likewise, Lorez," Marc replied, his hand still on his gun. "Let's get down to business, shall we?"

The two groups sat down at a table and began to negotiate the terms of the deal. Marc's crew would provide the whiskey, while the Italians would distribute it throughout the city. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement, and both sides knew it.

As they were discussing the details, Jake, grew increasingly restless. He didn't like the look of the Italians and thought they might be planning something. Suddenly, he jumped up from his seat, gun in hand.

"I don't trust these greasy wops!" he shouted, pointing his gun at the Italian leader, Lorenzo.

"Easy, Jake," Marc said, trying to calm him down. "We're all here for the same reason, remember?"

Lorenzo raised his hands, "No need for violence, my friend. We're all here to make money, nothing more."

Jake hesitated for a moment before finally lowering his gun. Marc shot him a warning glance before turning back to the Italians. "Let's continue, shall we?"

Lorenzo nodded in agreement and continued discussing the terms of the deal. However, tensions remained high between the two groups. Jake kept a close eye on the Italians, not trusting a word they said.

"You know, Jake," Lorenzo said, sensing the tension. "We can't do business if you don't trust us."

Jake snorted. "Don't act like you're the innocent one here. We both know what your kind is capable of."

Lorenzo's expression turned serious. "I assure you, we have no intentions of double-crossing you. We want this deal to work as much as you do."

Marc decided to intervene before things escalated further. "Alright, let's put our differences aside for now and focus on the task at hand. We need to make this deal work if we want to come out on top."

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