🌾 Chapter Eleven : The Club Coup

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The neon sign above the entrance to Lively Club flickered, casting an eerie glow on the quiet street. It was after midnight, and Marc knew the owner, Charlie, would still be there.

He had been waiting for this moment for two years now in 1956, preparing for every possible scenario.

Marc stepped inside the dimly lit club, the sound of jazz music filling his ears. Charlie looked up from his desk, a cigarette hanging from his lips.

"Crikey, Marc, what's this about?" Charlie asked, his voice heavy with suspicion.

"I want to have a natter about our business agreement," Marc said, his eyes fixed on Charlie's.

"What blimey business agreement?" Charlie asked, leaning back in his chair.

"The one where you give all your business to me," Marc said, his tone firm. Charlie chortled, the sound bouncing off the walls.

"You must be barmy if you think I'm going to sign anything like that."

"I reckon you're mistaken," Marc said, pulling a contract from his pocket. "You see, I already have the signatures of all your competitors. They've all agreed to give me their business, which means you'll be left in the dust unless you sign this."

Charlie eyed the contract warily, knowing that Marc was not one to be underestimated. After a few moments of tense silence, he reached for a pen and signed the document.

"You'll be sorry, Marc," Charlie said, tossing the contract back to him.

"I doubt it," Marc replied, a small smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "I always get what I want."

Marc pocketed the contract and turned to leave, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over him. 

He had just secured his position as the top dog in the club scene, and he knew it was only a matter of time before he had complete control.

Marc returned to his house, a grand mansion on the outskirts of town. 

As he entered, he was greeted by the sweet aroma of Rosea's cooking. She was in the kitchen with the helpers, her baby bumps prominent beneath her apron.

Marc told the helpers to leave them alone in the kitchen and they obeyed.

"Hello, my love," Marc said, placing a kiss on Rosea's cheek. "Dinner smells delicious."

Rosea smiled warmly at him. "How was your evening, dear?"

"It's all right," Marc replied with a grin. "Just some business stuff to take care of."

"Well, I'm glad you're home now. I made dinner for us." Rosea said, her eyes shining with pride.

As they sat down to eat, Marc couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. 

Rosea was carrying their child, and he knew he had been neglecting her lately in his pursuit of wealth and power. He vowed to make it up to her and be a better husband and father.

"Rosea," he said, taking her hand. "I know I've been distant lately, but I promise to make it up to you. I love you, and I'm going to take care of you and our baby."

Rosea looked at him with love and gratitude. "I love you too, Marc. And I know you'll be a wonderful father."

Marc smiled, feeling a sense of contentment that he hadn't felt in a long time. He knew that with Rosea by his side, he could conquer anything.

The next morning, Marc woke up early, feeling energized and ready to tackle the day. 

He knew that his position in the club scene was secure, but he also knew that he couldn't let his guard down. He had to stay sharp and continue to make strategic moves to stay on top.

After breakfast, Marc went to his study and began reviewing his plans for the future. 

He had a list of potential business partners and competitors that he needed to reach out to and negotiate with.

He also had a meeting with his lawyer later in the day to discuss some legal matters.

As the day progressed, Marc found himself getting more and more absorbed in his work. He was making progress, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was missing.

He couldn't help but think about Rosea and their baby, and how he had been neglecting them in his pursuit of success.

By the time the meeting with his lawyer was over, Marc was exhausted. 

He decided to take a break and go for a walk in the park. As he walked, he thought about his life and how much he had changed since he first met Rosea.

He realized that he needed to make some changes if he wanted to be a good husband and father.

When Marc returned home, he found Rosea in the nursery, gently humming a lullaby to their unborn child. He stood in the doorway for a moment, watching her with a sense of awe and wonder.

The way she cradled her growing belly, the softness of her voice as she sang - it was a sight that filled his heart with joy and pride.

As much as he wanted to stay and bask at the moment with her, Marc knew that he had work to do. He made his way to his office room, closing the door behind him. 

Rosea noticed Marc's presence in the room, but she chose to ignore him for a while. It had been weighing heavily on her mind that Marc had been so preoccupied with his business dealings lately.

She was hoping that he wouldn't neglect her and their unborn child.

As the hours ticked by, Marc worked tirelessly, driven by the thought of providing for his family and building a better future for them.

And when he finally emerged from his office, the sun was just beginning to rise, casting a golden glow over the world outside.

Making his way to the nursery, Marc found Rosea fast asleep in the rocking chair, their unborn child nestled safely in her womb.

He smiled softly, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to her forehead before tiptoeing out of the room.

End of chapter eleven.

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