🌾 Chapter Excerpt Two : Heartfelt Letter From Roséa Spencer

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In this part of the book, I, the author, have included an extra chapter to give you more insight into the characters and their emotions

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In this part of the book, I, the author, have included an extra chapter to give you more insight into the characters and their emotions. This chapter is like a missing puzzle piece that adds excitement and depth to the story.

In this chapter, Rosea writes a heartfelt letter to her husband Marc, who is in prison. She tells him that she can't visit him because of his illegal activities and the pain he caused her family, especially with his business partner, Lorenzo. Rosea wants Marc to learn from his mistakes and find a better path in life.
From: [Final Chapter: Love Connection]

By including this separate chapter, I hope to make the story more interesting and help you connect with the characters on a deeper level. It reveals the complexities of their relationship and adds more emotion to the overall narrative.

 It reveals the complexities of their relationship and adds more emotion to the overall narrative

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My Dearest Marc,

I hope this letter finds you, though I fear the circumstances must be difficult for you. I can only imagine the turmoil you must be experiencing, and I find myself hoping that you are alright, despite the circumstances that led to your imprisonment.

I write to you with a heavy heart, knowing that the path you chose has led you to this place. I cannot help but wonder if you were once again involved in illegal activities without my knowledge. It pains me to say this, but I cannot defend or justify your actions, my love.

Though we are still husband and wife, I have made the difficult decision not to visit you during your time in prison. Instead, I have chosen to focus on raising our son and providing him with a stable and loving environment. I believe it is best for him not to grow up with a father behind bars, facing the challenges that come with it.

Remember, Marc, it was you who insisted on entering a world of crime despite my pleas to steer away from it. The prison is a place I wish to keep far from my reality, yet you chose it willingly, disregarding my concerns.

Throughout our time together, you promised to protect me and our son, but it feels as though those promises have gone unfulfilled. My heart aches knowing that Lorenzo, your business partner from the Italian mafia, took my father away from me. It is a wound that may never fully heal.

I recently learned that Lorenzo was dead, and though it brings some relief, it does not erase the pain he caused.

Marc, I hope you will always take care, even in the midst of your challenges. However, I want to be honest with you; I cannot face you until I am ready. This letter will be the last communication between us for now, as I need time to process everything that has happened.

Consider this a lesson, my love, a lesson that we both must learn from. I wish for you to find a new path, one that brings you away from the darkness you once embraced.

Please know that I will forever hold the memories of our love close to my heart. The moments we shared were beautiful, but they are now memories to cherish from afar.

With a heavy heart and bittersweet love,


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