Chapter Eighteen: Joinder, enter Micah Bell

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It was the next day of court. Arthur and Eliza sat in the gallery, as he was no longer needed as a witness. They both knew that it would be Micah's turn at the stand and they wanted to see what would happen.

They are all called to rise as the judge enters the courtroom.

"Please be seated."

Everyone sits down, as if in unison.

"We will now hear the opening position from the defense," the judge explains. From the group of attorneys, the female that had interrogated Arthur yesterday stands up. She is wearing a red dress with a white blazer. Tucking hair behind an ear, she approaches an evidence board.

"Your Honor, ladies, and gentlemen of the court, Micah Bell stands before you today as a victim of circumstance. A loyal officer of the law and to the protection of wildlife, Micah was nothing more than a pawn in a diabolical game orchestrated by the true mastermind, Leopold Strauss."

This doesn't surprise Arthur. He figured that if Micah couldn't prove innocence, he was going to point a finger at his co-conspirator. Arthur looks for an expression on Mr. Strauss's face, but he only sees the familiar beads of sweat. Either it is an ongoing medical condition, or Strauss has always been a coward.

She continues on to illustrate that Micah is remorseful of his previous acts of criminal activity, and was trying to turn his life around. She provides screenshots of messages between Micah and Strauss, showing that Leopold Strauss has been fabricating the plans of money laundering and using that money to encourage more profit. After a few more exhibits, she finishes.

"Does the defense have their first witness?"

"Yes, your Honor. The defense calls Micah Bell to the stand."

While in handcuffs and wearing an orange jumpsuit, Micah Bell is brought before the clerk to be sworn in. He then takes a seat on the witness stand.

The defense attorney begins, "Please state your full name for the record."

"Micah Bell III."

"Thank you, Mr. Bell. Could you also tell the court of your profession?"

"Former member of the Special Operations Unit, ma'am."

"Thank you. Let us first begin with the actions that you are accused of. Mr. Bell, were you aware of Mr. Strauss's illegal activities?"

"No, ma'am. I had no knowledge of Mr. Strauss's unlawful actions."

"And why is it that you continued to work alongside Mr. Strauss despite your lack of knowledge?"

"Well, as a member of the Special Operations Unit, we had a duty to follow orders and uphold the law, but it mainly concerned wildlife, hunting accidents, and poaching. The unit focused on things of a more physical nature. I had no reason to suspect Mr. Strauss at the time."

"Thank you, Mr. Bell. Now let's address the murder charges." She goes through her folder and pulls out a few sheets of paper. "I would now like to present the court with a written statement from Captain Monroe."

The defense attorney walks over to Gavin, handing him a copy of the document. He takes it and immediately reads through it. He nods, recognizing the document. Arthur's eyebrows furrow.

"Your Honor, I have already reviewed the statement," Gavin states.

"The defense contends that the portion of the statement relevant to our case has been presented." The defense attorney announces to the court.

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