Chapter Seventeen: Joinder, enter the Witnesses

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The courtroom was packed with news reporters, eager spectators, and concerned family members. The pews were filled to the brim, tension hanging heavy in the air. Arthur Morgan, instructed by a bailiff, made his way to a specially designated row reserved for key witnesses. Beside him sat his trusted friend and fellow game warden, Charles Smith. They exchanged a nod, silently acknowledging their shared determination to see justice served.

Arthur's gaze swept across the room and he caught sight of Edith Downes, sitting with two other witnesses down the pew at the other end. They were likely victims of Leopold Straus's predatory money lending schemes. Arthur's heart went out to them, knowing their lives had been forever altered by the hands of these criminals.

On the opposite side of the courtroom sat Micah Bell, shackled and surrounded by a team of lawyers. Their cold gazes met for a brief moment, and although Arthur's heart surged with anger, he showed no signs of fear. He was ready to expose Bell's dark secrets, even if it cost him his job as a game warden.

As the judge entered the room, the murmur of voices quieted, and the trial commenced. The prosecuting attorney, Gavin White, stood at the podium and began his opening speech. He eloquently outlined the case, painting a vivid picture of a dark web of deceit and violence.

"Your Honor, ladies, and gentlemen of the court, today we gather here to seek justice for the victims who have lost their lives at the hands of these criminals," Gavin proclaimed, his voice echoing through the room. "In this Joinder Trial, we will present overwhelming evidence that will leave no doubt of their guilt."

He painted a vivid picture of the heinous crimes committed by Bell and Straus, linking them to a web of deceit and corruption. He presented the evidence methodically, weaving a compelling narrative of greed, deception, and murder. The courtroom was captivated, hanging on his every word. He even presented photographic evidence and records that even surprised Arthur, but Arthur could tell that Gavin was withholding information, he had evidence that he was going to use to trap the defense.

Once he finishes, the Judge leans forward. "Does the state have any witnesses?"

"We do, your Honor. State first calls Edith Downes."

There is a hushed whisper as Edith rises from the pew and makes her way to the front. A bailiff opens the gate for her and she slips through and stands in front of the judge at a distance. The judge points to his right, where a clerk sits at a computer.

"Face the clerk and raise your right hand."

She does so and the clerk raises her own right hand.

"Do you swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"

"I do."

The clerk gestures to the witness stand and Edith sits down in it. Gavin White stands and speaks into the microphone. The stenographer continues to type at their small desk beside the judge.

"Ma'am, would you please state your full name for the record?"

"Edith May Downes."

"Mrs. Downes, thank you for being here today. I know it has been a difficult time for you."

Edith sniffs, moved by his empathy. "Of course, Mr. White, and yes, it has been...especially for my son."

"Do you know why you are here today?"

"Yes. To find out who killed my husband."

"So you believe his death was a hunting accident, then?"

She sits up taller. The passion in her voice comes through in her answer. "No, I do not."

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