Sight Beyond Sight

Start from the beginning

Upon arrival, Badgerclops, Adorabat, and Mao Mao found Minori and Ashaki facing a long winding monster. It resembled a viper, however it's scales were made of a variety of foliage.

This monster is called the Toxiper. Most commonly, the lush greenery of its body largely of poison ivy and other poisonous plants. Supposedly a lot of pharmacologists would want their hands on this creature, figuratively of course.

Minori on the other hand, was riding the toxiper like it was a wild bull, her claws gripping the vines that snaked from its head. Badgerclops had to wonder if her bangles also provided protection from toxins that interacted at the epidermal level.

"Come on Shaki," Minori yanked on the vines, keeping the toxiper in the village square area. "Torch this thing already!"

"Not how it works!" Ashaki called back. "That and I refuse to touch it!"

"Let's just get this over with," Mao Mao grumbled under his breath. Pulling Geraldine from her sheath, Mao Mao ran into the fray. Shifting his grip oh Geraldine, it began to glow. After his scuffle with Violet while under the moon moth's control, he devised a more efficient method of heating the sword with the intense light. Rather than applying it to the whole blade, just the edge is more than enough.

Coming up on the toxiper, Mao Mao slashed a small bit of foliage on its flank. The intense heat caused the flora to ignite, flames began climbing up the serpent's body. Minori leaped off the head of the serpent before the flames could catch her too. The toxiper writhed in agony as the flames licked at its body. It only took a moment for the monster to fall over, breathing it's last breath.

Ashaki nudged Minori, motioning to the felled monster. "Think you can makes us a five star cuisine out of that?"

"Nope," Minori flat out rejected. "Not to say I can't, but it's too much work and preparation. I got to descale it, remove all the toxins, just forget it, really."

"Minori!" Adorabat screeched. "Your cape!"

"My cape?" Minori looked over her shoulder, seeing a trail of smoke rise behind her. "Fire!" Minori lunged out, tucking herself into a ball as she rolled, and rolled, and rolled, snuffing out the flame.

"You would've been fine," Ashaki says, rolling her eyes.

"True," Minori agreed, patting all the dirt off her white gi. "My clothes however, not so much."

Badgerclops looked at Minori in wonder, her fur wasn't even singed. Mao Mao went on a tangent once about his weapon which was practically a glorified glow stick. But the weapons his sisters held were each a sight to behold. Speaking of which, Badgerclops was especially interested in Ashaki's contacts.

Badgerclops had asked Mao Mao to clarify what he meant when Ashaki's contacts gave her "sight beyond sight". Supposedly Ashaki's is up there as one of the most versatile weapons. Not only did it give her perfect vision, it gave her x-ray vision, far sight (let's her see into distances kilometers away), see the future supposedly, and even see into other's thoughts, among other variations of sight.

If he could just study them for a few minutes, he could maybe figure out how mere lenses could do the things they do. Suddenly, Badgerclops was struck with an idea.


Night had fallen several hours ago, Badgerclops tip toed up the stairs toward the attic. Slowly opening the door, Badgerclops peeked in, seeing Ashaki floating in the air on her side. She was lied out as if she was on a bed, resting on her side, conveniently facing away from the door. But his focus was more on the pair of objects resting on a box close by.

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