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"Guys! There's mail for you!" Joyce called from the front door, coming in from getting the mail. "Hm" Will hummed to himself as he heard El run past his room and down the stairs. "Who's it from?" Will heard El ask excitedly from the kitchen as he walked out of his room and into the hallway. "Max" Joyce smiled, sliding the letter to El, who lit up even more and breezed past Will and back into her room, mumbling a thank you on the way up. "Who's my mail from?" Will asked, continuing to walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. 

"It says it's from Mike" Joyce smiled down at the familiar name. "Really?" Will did a double take. "Mhm" Joyce nodded, sliding an envelope that read, Mike Wheeler, 198 Ford Street, Hawkins, IN  in the upper left corner. "Thanks!" Will lip up, turning on his heels and running back up the stairs just like El did. 

Will pushed his door open and walked back over to his desk, taking a deep breath before gently tearing the envelope open. He couldn't help but smile as he started reading. Dear Will, I'm writing this right after you called me. I know you told me to get my sleep but my brain won't shut up and I'm not tired anyway. "Classic Mike" Will thought to himself, lovingly rolling his eyes. But anyways, the day you left, I told Nancy about us. Will stared at the words on the paper with a mix of shock and happiness. 

She told me to write to you so that's what I'm doing. Will smiled down at the paper again. I miss you so much already. Nothing's the same without you. Will tilted his head and shook his head, "It has to be"  Will thought. Me, Lucas and Dustin tried to play D&D and it just wasn't the same without our cleric. Will shook his head again. Hawkins isn't the same without you. It will never be the same without you.  Will read as he felt a tear well up in his eye, threatening to spill over. 

I hope you're settling in okay. I know it wasn't your choice to move. Will took a shaky breath, trying to get rid of the tear in his eye. Call me if you need me. I'll always make time for you. Will finally smiled as he took out a piece of paper, ready to write his own letter to Mike. Before he could do anything else, he peeked his head out of his room, "Mom, can you take me to the post office tomorrow?" Will and El yelled in unison. Joyce laughed from the living room and they smiled at each other from across the hall. "Yes!" She yelled back. 

Hi guys! I know this is basically a re-write of the last chapter but i think it was important to write Will's reaction! (will's letter back in gonna be next chapter!) 

i love u guys! take care of urselves! 

tumblr - loveu2themoon

over & out, sage 

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