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  When Mike heard the last bell of the day ring,  he packed up all his things and walked out of the classroom, as he was walking away, he heard his name being called and turned around. "Mike! I forgot to tell you where me and El meet up to walk home, come with me." Will said slightly out of breath from running after Mike. Will grabbed Mike's wrist as Mike felt blush dust his cheeks, too faint for Will to see.

 As soon as Mike and Will got outside, Will left go of Mike's wrist and Mike felt himself frown. El saw Will and Mike and waved to get their attention, Will waved back as he started walking, Mike trailing behind him. "Hey, I forgot to tell you, I'm helping Mike with some English work." Will said looking back at Mike then at El. "Okay!" El said smiling at both of them. 

 Will, El and, Mike all walked into the almost bare house. Mike looked in awe at the house in front of him that had almost nothing in it. Mike walked over to the couch  and sat down. El looked over to Will as she walked up the stairs. Will walked over to Mike and sat down infront of him on the floor. 

"Hey" Will said, looking at Mike who seemed to be lost in thought. Mike quickly snapped out of whatever he was thinking about and looked down at Will. "Wow." That's all Mike could say, he was in utter shock. "What?" Will said, confused. "You're really moving. You're leaving Hawkins." Mike said holding eye contact. "Yeah, I thought you knew that." Will said sarcastically. 

"I do but I guess it all just hit me right now." Mike said with a sad smile. Will couldn't do anything but stare at Mike, who noticed and decided to move onto the floor and sit next to Will. "Do you just want to hang out? I can figure out the English work later." Mike suggested as Will smiled and nodded.

 Mike nodded and stared at Will for a few more seconds before Will suddenly stood up and started running. "Last one up the stairs owns the winner a comic." Will yelled as he ran as fast as he could up the stairs. "No fair!" Mike yelled back as he stood up as ran after Will. "Both of you shut up! I'm studying." El yelled from her room.

 "Sorry, El!" Will yelled as he ran into his room. Mike ran into Will's room and jumped on Will's bed. Both of them were staring at the ceiling  in comfortable silence. Will turned to look at Mike and studied his face from the side. Mike turned his head to look at Will not knowing that he was already looking at him. Mike and Will stared into each others eyes for what felt like hours, Mike occasionally looking down at Will's lips. Will looked down and Mike's lips then sat up. "Do you want to see some of my drawings before I throw them away?" Will asked as his cheeks turned bright pink. "Um, Sure" Mike said flustered.

Dude. I hate this chapter sm. I had a whole other part to this chapter but i actually hated it so I cut it. Also pls vote if u want. I love you. Sincerly, Sage.

SPIN THE BOTTLE - BYLEROù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant