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 Mike laid next to Will and stared at the ceiling, "Okay. So, what happened?" Will said, looking at Mike. Mike took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for this conversation. If he was being honest, he didn't even know why he freaked like that. "I don't really know what happened and then I think I freaked out even more because I didn't know what was going on. " Mike laughed and turned to Will. "It's okay not knowing why you freaked. It must've been fight of flight." Will said, reaching for Mike's hand. Mike intertwined his fingers with Will's almost immediately. "You get fight or flight when you see a bear, Will. Not when your best friend walks in on you flirting with your other best friend." Mike said, irritated, shifting his gaze back to the ceiling. 

"Hey!" Will said, sitting up. "Mike, it's okay." Will said softly, giving Mike's hand a reassuring squeeze. Mike laid out a frustrated sigh. "Not it's not." Mike sat up,  "It's not fair to you." Mike said, returning his gaze to Will again. "What?" Will said, tilting his head slightly in confusion. "It's not fair to you that I have a panic attack every time someone sees us together. Especially if that someone is one of our best friends." Mike said angrily, now pacing around the room. Will stood up, "Micheal!" he raised his voice. The silence was ringing throughout the room as Will put his hand on both of Mike's cheeks. 

"I'm sorry" Mike said, letting out a defeated sigh and shifting his gaze back down to the floor. "Hey, look at me. It's okay, Mike." Will said, lifting Mike's face slightly. Mike nodded and looked between Will's eyes. Mike loved Will's eyes. He noticed his right eye is slightly more green than his left eye which was more hazel and he absent minded leaned closer. Will noticed this and rested his forehead against Mike's. "Hi." Will said, in a hushed tone. "Hey." Mike said, giving Will a warm smile. Both of them just sat there in silence for a moment, not really knowing what to do next. "Can I.." Will hesitated, "Can I kiss you?" Will whispered. "Yeah." Mike whispered. 

If there was still any space between them it was closed immediately. Mike's hands got tangled in Will's hair right away. These kisses were different from the first few ones that were shared between the two. This one was full of passion and something else that Mike couldn't put his finger on. Will fell back on the bed he was sitting on and brought Mike down with him, their lips still intertwined. Mike pulled away from Will for some air. "Hi." Mike said, slightly out of breath looking down at Will. "Hi." Will said, breathless, looking up at Mike. Mike looked like he was going to say something but got cut off by one of the girls yelling from downstairs. "The pizza's done!" Mike turned towards the door, "Coming!" he yelled back. Mike turned back towards Will and rolled off of him. "Come on, loser." Mike said, holding his hand out to Will, who takes it. "Alright, nerd."

AHHHHHHH, Hi people! This literally took two days to write so I hope you guys like it. I'm also  really sorry. I suck at writing kissing scenes. 


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