Merchant from Snezhnaya

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Inside the forest you spotted a Fatui Skirmisher with a sniper rifle. Was this encounter worth it? At first, you hesitated, however, pure hate was running through your veins.

How could you spare a Fatui scum who you condemned to die.

You knew the risk of attacking an armed man so you simply decided to outwit him.

Others would question your rationality but you didn't give a fuck whether your moves were calculated or not. The only thing you wanted was the Fatui dead.

You still were covered in blood and seemed like a fragile woman to your surrounding, at least you thought so.

You dropped the stuff you had stolen from the dead bodies behind some trees. Everything except the dagger. Now you had to put on a show to convince him that you were an innocent person who got hurt.

You staggered into the direction of the skirmisher.

As soon as he noticed you he raised his sniper rifle. "You there, who are you." He shouted.

"HELP ME. HELP." You screamed 'crying' your eyes out.

The skirmisher lowered his weapon and started walking towards you. "Young Lady, it is pretty dangerous to walk in the forests. What happened to you?"

As soon as he reached you, you 'fainted'.

The guy dropped his sniper to catch you. "Careful, hey- can you hear me?" He was lightly slapping your cheeks.

Was there a second for that innocent soul to safe himself? Or was his fate sealed as soon as you entered his field of view.

You pulled out the dagger stabbing into his neck, slowly tearing his throat apart.

He let go of you coughing up blood.

"You.. who-" He wasn't able to finish his last sentence as you silenced him forever.

You returned to get your stuff back. Maybe it was way too stupid to keep the fur coat..  what if you wanted to sneak into a village. They would catch you on spot. However, leaving it here would be way too suspicious and could help the Fatui finding you faster.

It wasn't a bad idea to first sneak into a village to get food and other stuff before committing your revenge. You stared at the fur coat, seconds later at the dead skirmisher.

"Rest in Peace." The fur coat landed on top of his face. You still decided to leave it here.

Your new direction was a nearby village you saw looking outside a window at the castle. It was pure luck that the skirmisher came from the right direction. You were able to follow his footsteps printed into the pure white snow.

This advantage could turn into a disadvantage pretty fast, they could simply follow your footprints.

You tried to carefully step into the footprints of the skirmisher. It worked in a way... maybe they would look at the huge footprints and ignore them.

As soon as you reached the village you looked around to spot an unusual amount of armed soldiers.

No one to find... just the ordinary folk.

And a familiar old face- or let's say: a familiar old smile.

The merchant you saw in Inasuma, the nice old guy who took you to the city.

You didn't expect him to casually buy a packaged with potatoes and onions at the edge of the small village.

Snezhnaya never stopped surprising you.

There was a little detail that you didn't know about the man, he was Childe's father. Back then when he told you about a son who joined the Fatui he actually was talking about Tartaglia.

He would help you without a daubed if you put on an oh so familiar mask of an innocent person. He helped you ones therefore he should help you a second time.

You "accidentally" ran against him as soon as he started to walk away.

"I am sorry, sir." You lowered your head to face the ground.

"Is everything okay my child?" He looked at your bloody clothing as you raised your head.

"Wait, do I know you? Weren't you the girl I picked up a year ago in Inasuma.."

"Yes I am."

He remained silent. Was your plan failing?

"Are you hungry or anything? I can offer you something at my place?"

Jackpot, he was simply to kind to leave you like that.

"This is too much sir." You mumbled.

"No, I insist on that."

He brought you to a wooden house. Compared to the other houses it really was beautiful but overall still pretty old.

As he opened the door a little girl sprinted outside.

"Папа дома." She smiled.

The "old" man lowered his head to give her a kiss on the forehead. Something inside you snapped.

A familiar feeling started building up and a numb pain floated your body.

She was an ordinary girl and her father still loved her without any conditions.

"Oh- why you crying?" The little girl pointed at you.

Crying? You didn't even realize that tears were rolling down your face.

"Let me get you clean clothing.. it won't be as expensive as your dressing but I can offer you clean stuff." The old men left to get you something to change.

He returned with a bundle of clean clothes.

"This is my sons old clothing. I can't offer you anything a female would wear." He lowered his voice. "My wife would kill me if I gave you her coat."

You took the old coat and knitted blue pullover.

"Thank you." You striped off your bloody fur jacket and put on the pullover. It was a little bit wide but that was fine.

You put the coat on top of your stolen belongings you left next to the door.

"Thank you." You bowed down.

He wasn't questioning you at all.

People with a kind heart tend to make fatal decisions...


Poor father... he doesn't know that the murderer of his precious son approached him at the edge of the village. How would he react if he knew the truth? Would he still act kind.

More important, what will you do as soon as you figure out that this is Childe's father.

Peaceful leave? ...

I dare you to [Scaramouche x reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن