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He really thought that you were so interested in seeing the castle. In-fact it was another risky event that potentially could be a threat to your sanity.


The Harbinger's gathering turned out to be an occasion full of people looking like snobs. The whole castle looked expensively dangerous. It seemed as if the whole money of the Fatui went into this building project.

Chandeliers attached to the high ceilings. To top it all off, these ceilings were decorated with jewelry and gold. This amount of resources wasted on a 'building' was INSANE.

Spruce furniture gave the whole inside a dark touch. To be fair, you only got to see a small part of the castle.

The beautiful gates made out of ice outside the castle, the hallway with an endless amount of chandeliers and finally the gathering room with spruce furniture and artworks attached to columns.

The only 'familiar' Harbingers were absent by the time you arrived with Scaramouche.

You immediately noticed an older man standing next to the decorated spruce table. Compared to everyone else he had a pretty serious expression... well and there was a person with a mask on... not like Dottore. This man was pretty tall and buffed.

After looking around for a longer period of time you noticed another gray haired man... he looked pretty funny due to his height. A gnome? Maybe an elf?

Childe was not among the Harbingers. It seemed as if they decided not to invited him. As soon as Dottore and Pantalone entered the room you were convinced that they simply turned down the ginger.

Besides the men there were three pretty women inside this huge room but none of them was Signora.

"My dear colleagues." Pantalone raised his voice. "I'd like to tell you about the problems the northern bank faces now because of Tartaglia's stupid actions in Liyue."

"Go on." The serious looking gray haired man faced Pantalone.

"Isn't it enough? This Harbinger acts like a child, not mature enough to stick to given orders or to calculate ANYTHING. He is a threat to our community. We should get rid of him."

"I agree". A woman with half Black half white hair stepped further. "He was always an encumbrance. There is always something going on with this man."

You watched a small gray haired man look at both Harbingers. "What made you think that it's proper to disrespect one of our colleagues. He's a Harbinger after all, Arlecchino.. Pantalone you usually disagree with each other."

"I have to stick to Pulcinella's words, moreover we already have a free seat among the Harbirgers. For now, it isn't necessarily to open another seat." Pierro concluded.

Pantalone rolled his eyes. "But the business."

As if everyone disliked this stupid ginger. Well.. he was the one who brought you into this shit and MAYBE... just maybe he was clumsy and bad organized. Still, he was strong which made him superior.. even if among the Harbingers he seemed like the weakest. He really was ranked the weakest.

"What's this gathering for?" You whispered to Scaramouche.

"I don't really know nor care. It's their usually nonsense."

After some minutes everyone took a seat inside this room. Some sat down around the spruce table, others walked to the coroner to place their ass on top of a sofa covered with silk.

You on the other hand left the hallway to find the restroom... maybe it was your nervousness that made you want to leave for some seconds or the fact that Pantalone was staring over at you the whole time.

The hallway just lead you to another hallway and soon you got lost in this gigantic castle. Every room looked the same... every door was made out of dark wood, so you had no chance to return to ask someone where the restroom is. You still were surprised by each hallway covered in gold.

Scaramouche just said that the restroom is down the hallway... however down the hallway you entered another hallway. He most likely was to invested debating with Dottore about humans.

"Hey, what are you looking for?"

A familiar voice filled the hallway.

"Childe? What are you doing here?" You turned around just to see him inches away from you.

"It's the castle.. as a Harbinger I can run around as much as I want." He smiled.

"Are you aware about the gathering and what the other Harbingers say about you?" You asked him confused.

"Who cares. I- didn't want to attempt it myself, why should aaaanyone restrict me. Right?"

So he was banned.

"I guess.." you rolled your eyes. "I have to continue searching for... eh, something, also do you maybe know where the restroom is? Scaramouche will be furious if I continue running around like an idiot." You whispered, almost running away without an answer.

"Do you remember yourself lying in the snow?"

Your blood ran cold as you turned your head away.

"Why did you do that? What do you want." You asked in panic.

"Relax, I did you a favor for free. Oh and the restroom is right in front of your face girly."

After you left the restroom Childe was already gone. Yet.. you could not stop thinking about the fact that he was the shadow and not just an illusion.

Now you had to find the right door and return safely-

Suddenly you felt a cold blade ghosting your neck. "Did you finally decided to kill me, Scaramouche?"

Who else could that be?


You rolled your eyes and turned around making the  blade lightly cut the side of your throat after the person behind you showed no reaction.

However, the man you imagined behind you wasn't Scaramouche.

"Childe, what the fuck?" You stepped away. "Again?"

"I forgot to tell... be careful, your parents placed a huge amount of money on you. It just came to my gazes since sometimes... you know... the black market... I kill the people on the papers... It's funny and you always gain money."

First the help with the snow and now this.. So your parents really wanted to erase your existence.. as if you never were their daughter.

"Why would you even warn me?"

"As your friend it's my duty to check on you. That's it." In your eyes he tried to compensate that he brought you into this, even if he would never admit it openly but he felt guilt.

And he really was guilty.

"If you really are my friend, then tell me who Scaramouche is." You remembered that you tried to find out who he was after loosing your memory and getting to know another name.

Childe stared at you. He was speechless. This manipulation was excellent.

"He's a Harbinger who killed many people.. I think you should know that."

In fact, this was not new.

"Okay then let me ask you this question another way.. who is Kunikuzushi?"

For some minutes it was silent between you two before Childe continued to speak. It seemed as if he was spreading forbidden knowledge...

And the stuff he spread was hotter than any tea.

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