Delusion factory II

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"How was the night?" A hand gently touched your shoulder. Out of reflex you jumped up and looked around.

"Don't worry, it's just me.. Kazuha." You felt relieve realizing this whole thing was not only a good dream.

"You asked about the night? I would say enjoyable, how about yours?" You returned the question. It would be rude not to ask back.

Kazuha who took his hand away answered. "Well heh, it was.. good I would say."

How would you know that he was lying. Right, you couldn't. This night several nightmare bothered him.

The day..
His best friend...

This thoughts never left him and his brain kept processing what happened years ago. He desired to turn his emotions off and continue living as if his heart never experienced this pain. Even if he tried to calm his heart down... in reality he never managed.

Lumine.. she was the only one who understood Kazuhas feelings and actually tried to help him get over this heartbreaking day.

Sometimes Lumine reminded him of his old friend. He looked at her but tried to imagine his dead friend.

Tomo's electro vision... the only thing that was left and if Lumine held it, Kazuha closed his eyes to see his smiling friend holding it instead.

"We should get up. The food is good here. Since we have some free time we can enjoy it." Kazuha grabbed his clothes and went to the bathroom leaving you alone.

Free time? Depends, who knows how long you can stay unseen in Inazuma City. The Fatui is everywhere, it won't be suprinsing if they notice you here and tell Scaramouche about your location.

You two got ready and left the hostel for obvious reasons. Kazuha wanted some breakfast and invited you to accompany him.

There was a single rule for a traditional breakfast. Having different colors on your plate. An Inazuman breakfast consisted of steamed rice, miso soup, grilled fish, and various side dishes. Usual you drank a cup of hot green tea after such a breakfast.

And this was the kind of breakfast Kazuha wanted to show you. It was easy to prepare and not as expensive as other dishes.

You two arrived at a small restaurant, Kazuha seemed to be friends with the owner.

"Good morning, as usual please. Oh but twice today. You know because of the Tenryou Commission we can't stay here for to long." Kazuha took some money out of his pocket and got his order as an exchange.

You followed Kazuha everywhere he went. Sometimes he pulled you behind trees or houses because he noticed some Tenryou Commission guards but all in all you managed to get out of the center of the city.

Inazuma was famous for the amount of sakura trees, you never imagined that they look even better in real life.. Kazuha set down next to a blooming sakura tree and placed his arm next to him signalizing you to sit down.

The smell was fantastic,  food and fresh air mixed with a wet undertone telling you that it will rain soon made you even more excited to taste the food.

The food looked simple but sometimes you can find beauty and happiness in small and simple things.

Even if Kazuha tried his best to entertain you one terefing thought never left you.

And the name of it was "Scaramouche".

The longer you stayed in Inazuma the more time you lost.. time you could use to get as faraway as possible.

"So what about Beidou?" You asked looking over to Kazuha.

"If she appears in Inazuma she will contact me and as promised I'll try everything in my power to convince her to take you with us." He replied.

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