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"Who do we have here." You looked up and met the eyes of the agent that accompanied Dima.

Dima.. the agent you stabbed. 

"Pretty interesting pose you took here."

He pointed at your décolleté that move even more down. How pathetic to point this out..

Wasn't he the sane one who judge Dimas actions in Inazuma. As you had expected back then he wouldn't be better than the disgusting shit you killed.

"What an interesting reunion we have." You bowed your head down to not look at his face, you were tired.

"Now you act all shy because your hands are tied up. You can't cause any damage." He rubbed his hands.

"You think you can threaten me, ha?" He spoke pretty uncertainly.. as if he wasn't confident enough.

Seemed as if all men in this organization were the same disgusting pathetic bastards.

The bad lighting made the situation worse for you. It was like an invitation to close your eyes and sleep. Even if the pressure of your own body hurt your wrists. The rope was cutting into your soft skin.

A strong slap against your face brought you back into reality. Have you really felt asleep for a second or was the agent misusing his position to harass you.

"Wake up."

You gave him a scornful look. His hand met your face a second time.

"I should be sorry.. but I can't..  мама прости меня пожалуйста."

"She won't." You started into his eyes. "Where ever she might be now, she won't forgive Fatui scum like you."

In the corner of your eye you could see his fist twitch.. it was dark and it got even darker in your head when he knocked the shit out of you.

Your mind was trapped somewhere.

You, a little human being surrounded by the never ending darkness. This place was the inside of your brain. Many shadows followed you.. every step you took felt heavy.

You started to sink in those shadows, slowly. Before their hands covered you completely a small light appeared in front of you.. it was getting brighter and brighter....

"I said don't sleep." On.. two.. three slaps met your cheeks. You spat out some blood aiming his shoe.

"What the fuck are you doing." He stepped back. "This is disgusting."

"Don't act as if you never saw human fluids. Especially blood."

Your eyes felt heavier every second you tried to hold them forcefully open. As if someone pulled your eyelids down.

Again.. a slap met your face.

"Your mother probably despise you. C'mon hit me again so she starts hating you even more." You laughed. It wasn't a normal laugh.. this laugh escaped the deepest parts of your throat.

You loved this.. you were to tired to acknowledge the pain your body felt at this moment.

Your nose could be broke.. did you care? Surely not. This was just amusing!

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