96- drunk fun

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Axel and Nelly had both brought a load of vodka to the team training session. Eventually some other team members got them to share.

They were all overly giggly and drunk now. Combine that with being in school in the middle of the night. They caught Kevin smoking a joint in the bike shed, but he wouldn't share.

Nelly had to spray him with her perfume to keep him from getting in trouble. Kevin just giggled. "Now I smell like girl."

Kevin seemed oddly happy about that fact, and began skipping around the school, and the others mimicking him for the fun of it.

Coach Hillman sighed. "This training camp was clearly a terrible idea. None of you are actually training. You're just running around the school like idiots!"

All he got in response was a giggle. They decided to run around the school in the dark because they found it funnier. Mark and Axel could barely keep their hands off each other.

Axel pulled Mark into a random classroom and they began making out, before they saw a weird shadow. Both boys screamed.

A few of the others ran into the classroom. "What the fuck are you yelling for?"Kevin asked.

"Yeah, you're going to get us caught!"

"I could've sworn I saw something,"Axel sighed.

"Yeah, a ghost!"Mark added.

"It was probably Jim,"Kevin sighed.

"It wasn't,"Jim piped up.

"Oh no!"Celia squealed. "Maybe it really was a ghost!"

The whole team went into a slight frenzy before Jude yelled,"Calm down! It's probably just a spy from Zeus!"

"Why would they spy on us? They clearly think they're above us,"Nathan said bitterly.

"I don't know, man,"Jude said. "Only a suggestion."

"It's me,"said Coach Hillman, appearing from the darkness.

"Agh!"Kevin fell over. "No way!"

"Yes. And you guys are out here acting like fools. We're going to do actual training. And I don't care if you're drunk, high, or whatever the hell."

"What?"Nelly seemed offended, yet she slurred most of her words. "Do I look like I would get drunk on school grounds? Shaming my family?"

"Don't bother lying. You're teenagers. I get it. I was the same. Down to the training centre,"he turned to Mark. "Maybe being drunk will help you loosen up your mind and be able to do your move."

"Uh, ok. I'll try anything at this point, honestly,"Mark shrugged.


The coach had the team exercising on the machines extremely intensely, including the three girls.

"Is this punishment for drinking?"Sylvia panted.

"Ugh I think so,"Bobby struggled.

"This is so hard!"Mark flopped onto the floor.

Todd suddenly started dying laughing. "Haha, that's what she said!"

Mark glared at him while everyone else began laughing too.

"Concentrate!"the coach yelled.

"Why do I need to do this?"Nelly complained. "I don't even play."

"For solidarity!"

"You do it then!"Nelly retorted.

"Alright so,"the coach said, and started running way faster than a man his age and size should reasonably able to.

"Whoa Coach, you're fast!"Jack yelled.

"Stop looking at me and concentrate on your own training, Jack!"

"I never would've come if I had known it would be this intense,"Jack innocently sighed.


Eventually, most of the team were allowed to relax. Except for Jude, Axel, the coach and Mark.

"We're going to do Inazuma Break. And you're going to try and use your move,"the coach said.

"Ok,"Mark braced himself.

"But coach, you told me to not use super strong moves against Mark anymore,"Axel protested.

"It's an order, Axel."

Axel just groaned. "Fine then."

The three of them launched into the air for the kick. Axel and Jude were both really feeling the effects of the vodka then. Their stomachs turned, and the ground looked too far away for comfort.

"Now!"the coach yelled as the three of them kicked the ball.

The ball was engulfed in a purple and yellow flame, and hurtled towards Mark. Mark just stared at Axel. He was just so pretty. And he was so lucky to have him as his boyfriend.

He braced himself for the ball, keeping his centre of gravity low. He watched the pink aura escape him. He grabbed the ball. It was almost as if time stopped. Was this it?

Then Mark was thrown to the back of the net. He stayed on the ground for a while, just staring at the ball.

"You guys saw that, right?"Mark said in a tone of awe. "I felt it, but then I saw it too. I think that was almost it."

"Well done, Mark!"everyone yelled.

"I think that's enough for tonight,"the coach said. "You guys should all head to bed."

Everyone took a sigh of relief.

"Mark, think about what you did in that moment. How did you get so much farther that time?"

"I'm not sure yet,"Mark sighed. "I think I'll know in the morning. I'm just so tired."

When everyone returned to the makeshift bedroom, the coach handed each of them a large bottle of water.

"Drink all of this. It should ease the hangover a little in the morning,"he said gruffly.

"He's a good coach,"Mark smiled as he took a sip out of his water. "We break the rules and he still looks out for us."

"If I was any other coach, you guys would not be playing that match, given how you've acted tonight,"the coach said gruffly. "I just really hate Ray Dark. We're playing to destroy him!"

"Agreed!"everyone yelled while hitting their water bottles together.

The coach facepalmed. "What are you guys doing?"

"Doing a toast, obviously!"Nelly grinned.

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