6- finding jack

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Mark and the rest of the team paced through the hallways. They had already checked all of the toilets in the school, including Sylvia checking all of the girls bathrooms too.

Still, no sign of Jack.

"Shit, we're going to be late,"Kevin said angrily.

"It's not our fault that Jack has bladder issues, Kevin,"Timmy said.

"I don't care who's fault it is. I don't want to have to forfeit or lose to these rich posh freaks!"

"Good point. Where is he!"Mark yelled out.

Suddenly, they heard a bang at the end of the corridor.

"That could be him! Follow the noise!"Sylvia yelled.

The ten of them ran down the hallway to the lockers. One was squeaking an abnormal amount.

"Jack, are you in there?"Sylvia asked gently.

"I swear Jack, if you're in there i'm going to beat the fuck out of you. I don't care that you're about 3 times the size of me!"Kevin yelled.

"Don't be so rough with him,"Mark said.

"You don't understand! This could be our big break but this little shit is ruining it!"Kevin punched the locker and a squeak came out.

"Ow! That hurts you know!"It was Jack's voice.

"See, Mark? Violence is the answer. He never would have admitted to being in there if I hadn't punched him."

Mark and Sylvia sighed.

The whole team tried to force the locker open, and eventually Jack came out.

"What are you playing at!"Kevin yelled. "Royal is down there waiting for us!"

"I know!"Jack put his head in his hands. "They're scary."

"I know, but we need you now more than ever,"Mark took his hand. "Don't freak out. We can do this, as a team."

"We still need an eleventh player though,"said Todd.

"Willy Glass. Do you know where he would be?"Mark asked Sylvia.

"Probably at the pitch. The whole schools watching this game. It's a very big deal, seeing as Royal is the best team in Japan,"Sylvia said. "If we're quick we can get him."

"Ok then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"Kevin yelled as he started sprinting.

The rest of the team started following racing through the hallways. There was no teachers to give them a telling off, because most of them were outside, watching the game.

Mark and Sylvia told the rest of the team to go and wait on the bleachers. They went to go find Willy Glass.

Axel was still behind the tree, just watching. He wasn't even reading a book. As if he was trying to rub it in their faces that he refused to play.

But he looked tense. And that made Mark worry.

Him and Sylvia noticed that Willy was sitting in the audience, staring into space.

"Willy Glass,"Mark said.

"What do you want?"he asked pompously.

"We have that opening. 10 players. You'd be a hero,"Mark said.

He absolutely hated grovelling to this rich brat, but the team depended on it.

"One condition. I want to wear the number 10,"Willy said.

"I thought you might ask that,"Sylvia said, presenting him the jersey. "Hurry, change quick."

"Ok,"Willy grinned.

Mark and Sylvia high fived. "Thanks so much Sylvia. I never would have even thought of that."

"You can pay me back by winning,"she grinned.

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