41- axel is definitely straight

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"Axel,"Sylvia said. "I'd like to speak with you."

"I know. About Mark,"he said, trying to act bored. "I'm straight. I don't know what all this business about Mark is about."

"Why did you kiss him then?"asked Sylvia.

"Did you physically see me kissing him? No? Well then I didn't. Plus, why do you care about my love life anyway? It's weird, Sylvia,"said Axel. "You can't just watch one anime and then suddenly ship random members of the team together. Who's next? Nathan and Todd?"

Sylvia rolled her eyes. "You're being unreasonable."

"I don't know what you're talking about. And even if I did, it wouldn't be any of your business who I like and who I don't,"said Axel.

"I suppose you're right,"said Sylvia.

They walked back to the rest of the gang at the noodle bar.

"What do you think that conversation was about?"asked Nathan.

"I don't know. I personally think all of these conversations are pointless. The four of us know, and that's it. I don't understand why we all need to talk about it,"Mark shrugged.

"Yeah you're right. You've already told him. Do you think things will go back to the way they were?"asked Nathan.

"Probably not,"Mark said as he got a new ice pack. "But hey, at least he's still on the team."

"You win some, you lose some."


Lots of people came to watch their practices now. After they won against Wild, Raimon were becoming a popular underdog team to root for.

"You are prohibited from practicing killer moves out here from now on,"said Nelly.

"You can't do that!"Mark yelled.

"I'm the chairman's daughter and I'm your manager. I absolutely can. And it's for the best too!"

"They're our fans though!"Mark whined.

"She's right. They're just trying to steal our new moves,"Axel said. "They're spies from rival schools."

"Not you siding with her! What are you guys, girlfriend and boyfriend?"Mark snapped.


"You're being unreasonable Mark,"said Nelly.

"Yeah. The reason they're here is to take notes on us,"said Axel.

"But if we can't practice killer moves, how will we win?"Mark pouted.

"Hey,"Axel said, putting his hand on Mark's shoulder. "Flashy moves aren't everything you know."

To an outsider it looked simple. A pat on the shoulder. Mark was an acquaintance. A teammate. Maybe even a friend.

But not for Mark. That one touch sent electricity to his body. He felt fluffy. He hated how easily Axel could make him agree with everything.

"Ok,"said Mark.

Axel and Nelly smiled. Maybe he was getting it.

"We'll practice in a place no one can see us!"he cheered.

Axel rolled his eyes but he wasn't that annoyed. He liked Mark's cheerfulness, and he enjoyed practicing flashy shots. But where could you find a place like that?

Just then, two massive vans pulled out and two teenagers with a load of camera equipment emerged.

"Who are those guys?"Mark said.

"Our next opponents!"Celia said.

Everyone gasped.

"Brainwashing High."

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