50- friends don't look at friends that way

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"Ugh!"Nelly yelled. "This is the most demeaning thing I've ever done!"

Sylvia and Celia grinned.

"I like mine!"Celia said.

"I'm definitely going to keep it,"Sylvia said. "The skirt is so spiny!"

Nathan sighed. "I wish I could wear a maid costume!"

"You can have mine when I'm done with it. This thing doesn't even deserve to be in my closet!"Nelly scowled.

"Sweet!"Nathan smiled as he walked off.

A bunch of weebs tried to take pictures of Nelly while she was trying to beat them.

"Ooooh! She's a feisty one!"

"She looks exactly like the main character in a manga!"

"She's so cute!"

Nathan ran over to Mark.

"Hey! I get to have Nelly's maid costume!"

"Oh, nice,"said Mark. "I don't really like seeing how all of those weebs are sexualising her."

"Oh, I never really thought of that. My brain went, FREE MAID COSTUME!"Nathan shrugged.

"I never thought you were a femboy,"said Mark.

"Do you have to label everything?"Nathan sighed. "I just like skirts and dresses. Who doesn't?"

"I've never worn one actually,"Mark confessed.

"You should."

"Hey!"Axel came over to them.

Mark immediately broke out into a smile. "Hey! I wish you were playing."

"Me too,"said Axel, as he looked over at the weebs harassing Nelly. "Oh, geez, you have to play against them?"

"Yeah,"Mark sighed. "I've heard that they're bad, if that reassures you?"

"It's not as if I have to play them,"shrugged Axel.

Nathan felt a pang of jealousy. Why did Mark only smile like that when Axel entered the room? Why couldn't he be like that with him?

"I should rescue Nelly,"Axel gestured towards her.

"Ok, see you on the sidelines! You better be cheering for me!"Mark giggled.

Axel simply smiled back as he walked away.

"Are you ok, Nathan?"Mark said, after noticing the sour expression on his face.

"Eh, yeah. Just pre game jitters. You know,"Nathan said. "I'm just going to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in time for the game though."



Nathan felt sick at what he had realised during Mark and Axel's conversation. He ran into a stall and emptied the contents of his stomach into the toilet.

"Ugh! Why can't you just be friends with a guy!"

Nathan purposely bashed his head against the side of the stall a few times. He tried to convince himself that his feelings for Mark was a result of his conversation with Celia, Sylvia and Kevin, but he knew that he secretly liked Mark all this time, he was just trying to ignore it.

This happened with all of his best friends eventually. Usually they were all straight.

But this time it hurt so much more. Because Mark was gay, and still didn't want him.

He wanted to cry, but he didn't. Just drank some water to cleanse the vomit taste from his mouth, and pretend that nothing had happened.

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