parenting- soraxx

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The boys set off to be the best parents that they could. They didn't want their children to go through anymore pain than they already felt. Sora and Jaxx knew they were stronger together.

"Marcie dont throw your food at your dad he cooked that for you"
"Troy, please.. please just go to sleep *sings lullabies*"
Were just two of the many things they signed themselves up to. Yet no matter how tired or angry they were they never once regretted their decision. Marcie and Troy were the best things that had ever happened to them and they knew full well they would never change a thing.

Before they knew it time flew by and they were 13 and 8. Jaxx and Sora had by now adjusted to the whole parenting thing and had a really close relationship with their children. They all teusted eachother with everything though now that Marcie has become a teen she is starting to change, mentally and physically. She was growing up and pushed herslef further away from her family. Sora and Jaxx were growing worried by the day. Eventually she started to come back around and talking more but it took a while.

Now both Troy and Marcie are adults and their dads are long gone. The way in which the two brought them up inflicted on them and they brought their children up just the same

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