Soras cousin- Soraxx

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Sora was on the phone to his cousin Alistair as he was only in town for a day which sadly meant Sora had to miss out that nights video.

Soras POV:
I called goodbye to everyone then left for the coffee shop around town and waited for him. I sunk down onto my phone to ask where he was when a blonde male sat infront of me. We were supposed to meet at 3pm and it was exactly 3.

Sora: On time again Alistair.
Alistair: Obviously you know I hate being early and being late is a rude thing.
Sora- Yes, yes what do you want to order?

Whilst he orders I start to scroll through tiktok looking at all of thr edits that are made of me and the rest of the squad. A few minutes later the espressos we ordered came and we talked for a few minutes about what we did when we left school, our family and such. Then it moved onto current parteners. He asked me if I was seeing anyone and my face instantly lit up. I told him "Im seeing someone named Jaxx. He's super cool and funny. He's really sweet and extremely tall I love him. He always takes me on great dates and treats me well, he truly is the best." Alistair was happy for me and told me he was single and enjoying it. We talked some more about other things in our lives like friends. By the end we had a really great time and hugged goodbye. Then someone came charging straight at me.

Jaxx's POV (set back to just after Sora left)
Sora just went out and he never told me where like he usually does. Being the worried boyfriend I am I needed to know what's happening. I went to the rest of the squad members to tell them I was sick and couldn't make it to todays video which was a lie. I went outside my window and went to Soras favourite coffee shop hoping he'd be there. He was with another guy. I can't believe this he- he's cheating on me. I-I thought I always treated him well and that he loved me but clearly not. They were laughing and talking a lot and I swear at one point his face lit up and he started smiling like crazy. What did that guy even say to him to make Sora so happy and why isn't he like that with me as often. It was quiet for a few minutes with the same chit chatting then the blonde guy stood up followed by Sora and they hugged. Once the guy had left I came charging at Sora dragging him aside probably looking scary in the process.

No ones POV:
Sora started walking backwards swiftly untill he got to a dead end.
Sora: Who are you?
Jaxx: It's me.
Sora: Jaxx what are you doing here?

Jaxx started to explain how jealous he felt that he was supposedly cheating on him. He started rambling on and on about how much he hated that guy Sora was with ending his rant with the simple question of 'do you even love me?'

Sora looked offended and saddened that Jaxx would even think that he would cheat. He explained that Alistair was his cousin and told Jaxx exactly what he said about him to Alistair. Sora loves Jaxx deeply. Jaxx loves Sora endlessly. The two could never be separated and so after Jaxx apologised for his overreaction they shared a long passionate kiss. Before long they went home to see the rest of the squad again plus sleep.

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