time travel- just sora

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This was thought of by me today because of something i did in english.

Today was the day the first time machine had been created, the first time machine that worked and I was going to use it.

I stepped inside the small steel contraption and sat down on the leather seat. I turned the time machine on and there was a blue sphere revolving around me. I chose the date I wanted to go to then pulled the lever. Time wizzed so fast around me. The buildings rose and fell, plants grew and died, people walked and walked. None of this I could really pay attention to clearly untill things started going wrong. As quickly as time changed it seemed to slow, I wasn't even near my chosen time. The world was burning around me and the sky was a musty red. What happened to our Earth?

I stopped the machine and got out. Atleast attempted to. The air was suffocating me and the ground almost collapsed at my touch. Nothing stayed the same anymore, there wasn't even a tree in sight. I wanted to go home so quickly.

I don't know if i'll ever recover from knowing what our world will be like and to say I'd be okay with that was certainly a lie though I wasn't going to let it corrupt my life. I'm going to protest a change and i'm going to be the one person anyone could ever believe. I Sora Snow am the only person known to man as the only person that has been to the future so maybe, just maybe I can change the fate of the world.

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