Chapter Ten

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With your shadows, you're never truly alone.

-The book of night

The next morning it took me twice as long to get to class. Nightshade never called me a healer, but I can't say I'm not surprised. I'm sure this is his way of giving me some type of punishment for embarrassing the house. Then again, it's not really my fault all things considered.

If he's that worried about his reputation, maybe he should put his pride aside and properly teach me.

I limp into the dining hall with Natalia's arm locked around my waist so I can put some of my weight on her. When she saw me enter Langston's class earlier, she was flying out of her chair and helping me to my seat to ask a thousand different questions.

I sometimes wish I had my phone. It would be easier to keep my friends in the loop with the shit show that is my life. All communication outside of Blackwood is cut the week you come to the academy. Phones are taken. Any electronics. I almost cried the day a guard showed up and demanded that I hand over all my things.

But I had to if I wanted to go to Blackwood. They're strict, but for many reasons. We can't be distracted. I'll only be able to speak to my mother on designated days parents can visit, which will be at the end of our first month here.

Once I'm sat at our normal table, Natalia says she's going to grab us some food and leaves me to myself. My cheeks are stinging with embarrassment, per usual. I didn't miss everyone snickering as I limped over here.

Cassie is the first to take a seat at the table with her tray of food. "I heard you got beat up." She grins, biting into a sandwich.

My lip curls up in anger. "That's not true. She broke the rules. I had her beat until... Well, until she threw me into a wall."

Cassie throws her hands up in defense. "Hey, I'm just relaying the information I heard. I figured it wasn't true."

"Well, it's not." I reach over, grabbing a grape off her plate before she can protest and pop it into my mouth. "Just wait until I learn my magic. She'll have what's coming to her."

She raises a brow. "I like this fire in you."

I don't get to reply before Kendra and Kiera are sitting just as Natalia returns. I thank her, taking my tray and looking over to the twins. "Just say it."

Kendra shakes her head. "I don't have to. Tobias told me all about it."

This surprises me a bit. "You're friends with Tobias?"

"I am," she nods, "we had some of the same classes."

Kiera wiggles her brows. "What do you think about him?"

The question pulls a snort from me. "What do you mean by that?"

"He's cute."

I lift a shoulder. "Yeah, and?"

"And... You should hang out with him more. I think he likes you. You should have seen his face when he was talking about you. Poor thing was so worried." Kiera smirks. "I say to think about it."

I look down at my food, pushing it around with a fork. "I don't have time for any distractions."

"Wait," Cassie speaks up. "Isn't Tobias like the 'bad boy' around here? He caused that house fire last year."

My brows shoot to the ceiling. "That was him?"

Kendra laughs. "Yeah, it was. It nearly got him kicked out of Blackwood. He somehow got out of it by saying it was an accident. Truth is, he was just getting used to his magic after being barren. He was hooking up with some girl and... yeah. He nearly burnt down House Decadess."

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