Chapter Eight

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Submit to your shadows and experience pure pleasure.

-The Book of Night

I'm panting as I run throughout the dark forest. Only the moon from above is providing me any sort of light to be able to see, but it's limited. I've tripped, staggered, and fell so many times that I'm sure my knees are bruised and bloodied. But there's an adrenaline pumping through me that is too exciting for my own good. My shadows are still very much prominent and thriving off it.

I look behind me as I run around the side of a tree, trying to see if I can spot Nightshade, but he's nowhere to be found. I know he's near, though. My shadows practically call out to him as I run, seeing his own diving throughout the forest on either side of me. The simple sight of them crawling after me has my heart pumping furiously within my chest.

Because I know I'm the prey.

Something dangerous is coiling within me the more toxins from the moonflower I inhale. I feel like I'm on a high, my body heating in ways I never thought possible, and my skin itches for a comfort that I don't know how to provide.

I whimper, diving around another side of a tree. My shoulder smacks into it and I yelp, grabbing it but not stopping. I can't stop. My shadows aren't letting up anytime soon, it seems. I don't know how much longer I can run before I become burnt out. But if there's one thing I know, it's that I'll burn out way before Nightshade will.

I make the mistake of trying to jump over a fallen tree instead of going around it. My foot gets caught at the last minute, and I stumble to the ground. My hands brace most of the fall and I'm pushing myself up as quickly as I can to get back onto my feet.

My attempt is futile, though. His shadows see the fall as an opening and the minute I go to take off again, a shadow of vines snakes around my wrist, jerking me to a stop. I curse, trying to use my own shadows to get free, but I have no idea how to wield them or direct them to do what I need.

Another set of shadowy vines wraps around my free arm and I'm yanked back against a nearby tree. My back hits it with a force that knocks the breath from my lungs, and I'm gasping for air when they wrap around me like ropes securing me to it.

I'm useless as I stare into the darkened forest with wide eyes.

But I feel him before I see him.

I shift uncomfortably, a mewl escaping my lips as the shadows tighten around me. I'm embarrassed at the feeling that coils deep within my stomach. Sweat coats my forehead and my eyes roam wildly to spot him.

I hear leaves crinkling and twigs snapping as he walks in the shadows—uses his powers to hide himself and wait for the perfect opening to attack.

"Nightshade?" my voice comes out in a whisper. "End this. Please."

More twigs snap in his silence.

Then I see two golden eyes staring at me through the darkness. He's stopped walking now—assessing me as I writhe underneath his hold against the tree.

Then those golden colored eyes vanish.

And he's in front of me in seconds.

The gasp that leaves me is shaky. "Let me go."

He hums. "You lasted longer than I expected." Nightshade leans forward, bracing one hand above my head as he moves next to my ear. "But your heart isn't beating so fast because of fear, is it?"

I shudder. "Nightshade..."

His nose trails up the side of my neck, making me feel things I shouldn't be. "Yes, little one?"

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