🦋Chapter 19🖤

Start from the beginning

Trying to process what was happening right now is something Alhaji Shehu was doing, the fact that he sees his wives collaborating to drag his down only makes him keep getting more angrier, yes he wasn't good to his family but that doesn't mean his wives have the audacity to insult him in front of his children and their cousin.

"Aunty, please don't fight with your husband, if today is not a good day I can always come back another day please..." Umar said as Alhaji Shehu cuts him off.

"Just shut your mouth, come back where another day, the moment you're stepping your feet out of this house don't ever bring it back here again" Alhaji Shehu said almost like a threat as Umar rolled his hand into a fist trying to suppress the anger flowing within him, his only being quiet cause the man was his aunt husband otherwise he'd have made sure to show him his place for disrespecting him like that.

"Alhaji, with due respect don't talk to my nephew in that way" Hajiya Maimuna said getting her husband's attention

"If he isn't going to step his feet into this house then we will just go to his place instead either ways you can never stop us from associating with him" Hajiya Aminah said

"If you're comfortable cutting off a family member like you did with your daughter then we are not going to repeat your mistake cause everyone single person in this family and out is very special, if you don't realize how important a person is then get ready to loose everyone with this behavior your showing" Hajiya Maimuna said as he just looked at his wives in disbelief.

The children had been quiet all this while listening to their parents arguing because of Umar's arrival, knowing that if they interrupted they're surely going to be dealt with especially if their interruption was to support their mothers whose side they were totally on.

Alhaji Shehu feeling all his blood boiling tries his best to remain calm cause at this point if he decides to do what was on his mind then today would be the day he loose all his family members which he wasn't ready for, at this point he couldn't blame anybody for hating or not liking him, it's all his fault, in the quest to protect his reputation his loosing their respect and love, at this point there's no difference between him saving his reputation cause things will still be the same, now that don't know of it they're already disrespecting him if they now come to find out about it, what worse will it extend to.

"I see, so you're mission was to just come into my house one morning and turn my family against me" Alhaji Shehu said to Umar trying to get all the blame on him

"Kai, no one is turning us against you and even if there's someone doing that then it's totally you" Hajiya Maimuna said looking at her husband angrily as he looked between her and his second wife not knowing what to even say to them as he got up

"This is my house, and in my house I have rules, and if you want to leave in my house you must follow the rules" Alhaji Shehu said getting up to look at his wives with all seriousness in his voice

"Since the both of you have decided to collide and disrespect me because of a stupid boy, then I have no space for you both in this house" he said as his children looked at him confusedly and then within themselves

"Go inside and pack your things and leave my house, when you both have learnt how to respect your husband then you can come back and none of you should touch any of my children they're staying here with me" he said as the family looked at him in disbelief except Umar who didn't give a damn what was going on, things were finally going as he planned as he predicted the man's anger won't be able to stand him in his house while his aunt's love would go as far as disrespecting her husband for his sake, finally he'll be able to get them out of the house so he could carry on the rest of his plan.

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