Hiro x Karmi Part 21

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It's been about a week since Karmi and I became official, and we visit each other in school a LOT. It's actually  gotten to the point where the team knows, if I'm not in my lab working, I'm in her lab.  I'm just hanging out, laughing with her in her lab, her head in my lap.

"Haha! No! No! I TOTALLY beat you at Pac-Man! I got 5,000 points in 60 seconds!" She said, looking up at me, elbowing me in the leg.

"Hah! Would've thought the bio-tech genius could count! I'm PRETTY sure I landed with 5,078 in 60 seconds!" I rebutted. She laughed and sighed, tracing a heart on my leg with her finger.

"Ya know... I've met your Aunt Cass... How do you feel about... meeting my parents?" I jolted in place, surprised. She lifted her head, raising an eyebrow in confusion. She had never mentioned ANYTHING about her parents before! I-I mean, w-what if they don't like me? What if-What if they think I'm not good enough! WHAT IF THEY MAKE US STOP SEEING EACHOTHER? REMOVE HER FROM THE SCHOOL AGAIN??? OH GOD NO NOT AGAIN! NO NO NO NO NO N- 

"YEP! TOOOOTALLY COOL WITH THAT!" I forcefully said through my teeth.

"Um... okay? Are you okay? You seem kind of... panicked? We don't have to yet if you don't want to—" she said, probably trying to comfort me. 

"P-p-p-p PANICKED? ME? NOOOOOOHOHOOOO! I'M-I'M JUST GREAT!" I denied, kind of hoping she would pick up on what I thought were obvious hints I was hesitant about the idea. Yeah... that didn't happen...

"Hmmm...." Sweat ran down my neck and back.

"Okay! Great! How abouuuut dinner at my place, Thursday night?" She said, sitting up across from me, smiling.

"YEP! YEAH THAT'S GOOD!" I said. Half of me wanted to go back to my lab to call Fred to get his advice, and the other half wanted to just keep chilling here. A moment later, Her phone went off as an alarm. It read "H-556 is done incubating!" She gasped and got up, clearly very excited. She immediately ran to get her goggles and test tubes, and was about to carry everything to her desk, before she glanced at me. 

"Oh! Heh! Sorry, I uh... have this virus I'm working on that's kind of time sensitive, and—"                    I knew exactly what she meant with the "time sensitive" thing. Stuff like that happens all the time in robotics. 

"Yep! Got it! I'll see ya later!" I said, walking out the door, hands in my pocket.

"Byeee! Love you!!!" This caught me totally off guard. Even though we had been dating for a week, neither of us had ever directly said "I love you" as a TERM! OF AFFECTION!! I think she saw my shocked expression melt into flirty side smile. I hate it when I accidentally do that! 

"Love you too!" I said confidently, about to take a step away from the door, before tripping and almost losing balance when I saw Fred standing in front of me.

 "AH!" I yelped. He looked EXTRA excited, I mean, he practically had stars in his eyes! I guess a part of me knew what he was going to say.

"Soooo..... DID YA ASK HER?! DID YA ASK HER?! YALL ARE OFFICA—" I covered his mouth with me hand, shutting him up. 

"SSSSHHHHHUDUP! *Sigh* let's- let's go to my lab..." I said, dropping my hand. He excitedly giggled as I led him out of the biotech hall into the robotics building, and eventually to my lab.

I used my key to get in, and gestured Fred to enter. He skipped in, still giggling.

"SO?!?!" he finally said after a few seconds of silence.

"So, yes. I'm-I'm dating her..." I said, blushing nervously, shifting balance of my legs standing.

"AHA!! I KNEW it!! Mm! Mm! 🎶Who's a cool guy, who's always riiiiggghhhttt?!🎶" he sang, celebrating.

"Okay okay, yes, you were right! Wait- I-is that the only reason you came to the biotech hall? Were—were you spying on me?!" I accused. Well, more like guessed.                                                   After all, him (and the rest of the team) DID spy on me when they thought I was in danger. 

"Woah! Wooaaah! Relaaaaaxxxx! I didn't hear anything! Heh... only saw it! Hehe!"

"Unbelievable! So, IS that why you were there??" I said, pushing for more information. I had a few idea of why else he would be there. M-maybe he enrolled and somehow GOT INTO SFiT! 

"Haha, yeah no, I just wanted to remind you... 🎶THAT I WAS RIIIIIIGGGGHHHHTTT!!" 

I rolled my eyes, and he left, with a wink on his way out. Now, all that's left to do? Figure out how the hell to get her parents to like me....

Thank you so much for reading! Btw, if you like my stuff, (wait people like my stuff?!?!) then you will absolutely LOVE the fanfic, "memories are made of bliss" it is also on Wattpad, and it has a very, very similar writing style to mine, if you're down for that kind of thing. This ain't no sponsor, I just really like their stuff, and I think y'all will too! Go read it! Like now. Right now.

Amelia, Ty so much for being so supportive of my lil crap chapters I put here, and encouraging me to keep putting them up. I wouldn't tell anyone else about this account, ur like the only person I knew wouldn't judge me. Anyway, you were absolutely AMAZING in every single one of the shows, and I can't wait to keep acting with you. Soup. WOOAAAH ALMOST 1000 WORDS!

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