Hiro x Karmi Part 14

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N (Narrators pov)

This morning was a blur of Hiro getting ready, cleaning his room, and trying to look decent for once. Sitting in his room, leg nervously twitching up and down, as he waited for her to get here. He checked his watch over and over, until finally he heard Aunt Cass's voice, 

"HIROOOO! Karmi's hereeee!" He felt his heart flutter.

"COMING!" He yelled back, as he ran downstairs. He saw Karmi sitting on a barstool in the cafe look up from her phone and blushed. 

"Hiro, hey!"

"Heyyy!" Hiro wanted to invite her to go up to his room with him to hang out, but that felt too forward. Luckily, Karmi is the DEFINITION of "forward"

"So, we gonna go to your room?" She asked.

"Wh-oh yeah, yeah totally! Let's go!" He said as he led her upstairs. As soon as they entered he already felt nervous that she might think of him as sloppy. 

"Wow! Your rooms is cleaner than mine!" She said, looking around, and then sitting on a chair.

"Ha! I doubt that!" He said. After a few moments of silence, Hiro noticed she looked... uncomfortable... like she wanted to say something but didn't. So, he prompted her.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Better than ever, but... ugh... i-I'm sorry if I was too forward with what I texted, I just- really like you..." This caught him COMPLETELY off guard. Blushing terribly, he answered with a flutter in his heart.

 "Too forward?! That's one of my favorite parts about you!" He said, elbowing her. It was what she did next that completely caught him off guard. She lifted her hand to place on top of his. Her expression changed to a "WHYYY did I just do that?!?" look. Hiro's at first, wide eyes, melted down to a side, flirty smile.

"See? Forward lover!" He laughed, lacing his fingers between hers, locking them together.

"Alright, now I got some questions for you. Why do you like me?" He asked, daring to be just as "forward" as her. Her eyes widened, and her cheeks flushed a bright pink.

"I-I- I don't know... I fell for you when we did the project for Sycorax together..." she finally muttered as quietly as possible.

"THAT LONG?! YOU'VE LIKED ME FOR THAT LONG?!?!" He asked loudly. 


"WHA?! Unbelievable!" He said. They then heard Aunt Cass's voice faintly from downstairs.


"OH, LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE, GENIUS!" she said, half joking, half sarcastic.

"Hey, not my fault you took forever!" He defended.

"Not MY fault you didn't ask me out sooner!" She said, with a playful expression and tone. They both laughed. Then a thought popped into his head. He had already agreed with the team that it was okay... okay for him to hell her who he really is... today was the day.

"Karm, there's... something I need yo tell you..." he said hesitantly. She looked confused.

 "Okayyyy? What's up?" She asked.

"So... Captain Cutie... the real hero your web comic is based on... I... know him... pretty well, actually..." her jaw dropped.

"What?! You do?! Oh my gosh! Are you allowed to tell me?!" She excitedly asked.

"Who he is? Yeah. The same boy you made fun of in our first year at scfi. The same teen genius you like. The same one who's... sitting right next to you..." her face looked shocked, and then horrified. He took notice of this.

" I know it's a lot to- are-are you okay?" He asked, puzzled.

"This... This means... oh my gosh! All those things I said, you-!" 

"Mhmm... I heard all I needed to hear!" He said.

"... I've... loved you since day one...." She said, looking back at him, with a face of love, and embarrassment. He tried to eye contact, blushing terribly. His heart felt like it was going to flutter out of his chest, and his smile purer than ever.

"Oh don't even! Look at me genius!" She said, pulling his head back to her gaze. 

"Heyyy!" He laughed.

"Wait... when we defeated hardlight... heh! I was this close to kissing you!" She said.

"Well.. do you hate the idea of it?" He said with a smirk.

"Not. One. Bit..." she said as she leaned closer. He leaned in back. Both of their hearts rushed with what felt like gold once they touched. They both pulled out gently, and Karmi started to laugh. 

"What's so funny?!" He asked.

"Oh, I just can't believe it's real... that... this is real..." she said, still gazing at his brown eyes.

"What, your nightmare??" He said jokingly. 

"Hmmm.. more like daydream...." She smiled. 

Everything, the world, his friends, EVERYTHING seemed.... Bright...

Thank you so much for reading! 

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