Hiro x Karmi Part 9

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Hiro's pov again!

I eventually had to officially tell the gang. Unfortunately, today was the day. I texted the group chat to meet at Joe's Diner. There was NO WAY I would do it in front of Aunt Cass. She already knew too much after all. I walked into Joe's Diner and sat at a random booth with a notebook and paper. I have no idea why I brought them, it just felt like a good idea. A few minutes later, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, Fred, and Gogo walked in and sat. 

"So, what's up genius?"asked Gogo, straight to the point as usual.

"Uh-"I stuttered.


"I don't think so, Freddy..." Honey Lemon said, putting her hand on his shoulder.

I really wanted to tell them and ask for advice, but I choked every time I tried. 

"Hm..." Gogo said, staring, squinting her eyes, looking at my face, the same way Aunt Cass did last night. 

"Hard to tell with face-lier over here, but I think I got it..." she said with a subtle side smirk and raised eyebrow. 

"WHA- got what?!" I desperately asked, regretting asking as soon as the words left my mouth. 

After a couple seconds of puzzled expressions from the others, they slowly started to realize who Gogo was talking about. 

"Okay so what about her?" Gogo said again, straightforward as usual. I wanted to resist, but instead I just gave up and admitted the questions I wanted to ask for days now.

"H- how do I talk to her?" I slowly asked, my head on the table. Fred's eyes lit up. This should be good.... 

"Well my friend, IIIII would suggest just being yourself! They always like that!" He said before shoving a fork of pancakes in. "Worked with Olivia!" Huh! That's actually solid advice! 

"ANDDD comic book knowledge is super useful too!" Ah, there it is... I looked to the others, expecting something a little less ridiculous-sounding. 

"Easy. Just stop feeling things. That's what I did at your age. Problem fixed." Replied Gogo.

"You can't just STOP feeling stuff!" Gogo raised an eyebrow and popped a bubble.

"Okay, MOST people can't." Said Wasabi. 

"Ooooh! You could buy her flowers!!" Said Honey Lemon.

"Ehhh, little too forward for me...." I answered.

Gogo suddenly looked... off. Like she wanted to say something but couldn't bring herself to. Honey lemon took notice, and asked, 

"Any ideas on your  mind?"

" *sigh* I don't do feelings... but... ughhhh! Be low key about it, and find out stuff she likes, and talk to her like she's a normal person, it will come naturally." She said before looking away. I have NEVER heard Gogo talk this much about love, and I was honestly really curious on how she knew so much about it. I wasn't about to ask her and expect a response, so I just dropped it and said thank you for the advice.

"Yeah it's whatever..." she said, popping a bubble. 

The rest of the gang looked, jaw dropped, at Gogo.


Fred was the most surprised, he desperately wanted to ask, but Honey Lemon elbowed hi, every time he tried. Wise move, honestly. 

Thank you so much again for reading! I will be releasing more frequently.

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