Hiro x Karmi Part 19

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It's finally Saturday. I think she really liked the robot. S-she even started putting in her own videos to send to me through it! I have 100 dollars, ready to spend it. We'll see if she really IS a "gamer pro". I walk on the sidewalk of the city, until I eventually stopped near the entrance of the arcade building. I look around, scanning for her through the crowd, until I see a tall girl with a long brown ponytail. She looked like she was looking for something amongst the crowd. She even looked beautiful from behind... I walk up to her, and she turns around- fluttering, blushing, heart racing? Yep, it's definitely her. 

"Hey Hiro!" 

"Oh! Uh-h-hey!" 

"So, ready to lose to a "noob gamer"?" She teased, elbowing me in the chest. Well, at least it helped with the heart racing!

"Haha! We'll see!" I laughed. We both started walking towards the arcade, which was  some way away." 

(This is your chance, genius! Grab her hand!) I thought to myself. Nervous as hell, I gently tried to hold her hand, expecting her to not reciprocate. But... she did. She took my hand, and looked at me with the most gorgeous, flirty smile I've ever seen. I slightly turned away, trying to hide my flushed face. I was in a daze while I walked with her. Even if it was for a short time, the whole world seemed... brighter. It was now that I realized how much I really love and care about her. After a bit, we eventually let go and stopped at the entrance. We both looked at each other with competitive smiles, and rushed to Pac-Man. 

After some... debate... we came to the conclusion that we tied, she was insisting that I won, and vice versa. We walked around for a bit, until she suddenly ran over to a claw machine. Inside, there were virus-stuffed animals, kind of similar to the chickenpox one she owns. Her face glew with excitement, as I handed her 3 coins to try. On her first try, she got super close, but dropped it just before. Second, same thing. She looked disappointed, so I tried to engage her.

"Heyyy, third time's a charm, right?" I said, nudging her. She looked at me with a soft smile, her cheeks flushing pink. 

"Heh... yeah..." she said, inserting the coin. She made her move, and we both gripped onto each other's arms in anticipation. Her last attempt failed. She looked really down, so I decided to try for her. I shoved a coin in, and did a few calculations in my head. She looked confused on why I was staring into space. After a few moments, I moved the controller. I HAD to get this. She gripped onto my arm, crossing her fingers, I looked down at her, smiling. Even for a moment, my heart fluttered when we held each other. At the last second, it looked like I was going to fail, but to both of our surprises, it landed, and went through. 


"Woah! Yeah! So did I!!" I said, handing her the plush, still shocked myself that I managed to do it. She looked at me confused for a moment, but once she realized it was for her, her face glew with joy and love like I have never seen before. I shoved my hands in my pocket, blushing.

"Soooo... heh.. whaaaatt are you gonna name it?" I asked, avoiding eye contact.

"Wellll... he doesn't really look like a virus... more like a heart!" 

"Huh! I wonder what makes it a virus plush, then...." I said. She stared at it for a moment, and then flipped it over. On the back, in white stitching, it had a chemical drawing of oxytocin, and above it said, "I 🩷 science... and you." Well, I didn't see THAT on the plush! Oh well... she read the message, grabbed my shirt collar, AND ACTUALLY FRICKIN KISSED MY CHEEK! It went by so fast, kind of leaving me wanting more. Instead, I just kissed her back. I took her home, and laid down on my bed with a huge smile on my face. I have never thought about an arcade the same way since that day...

Thank you so much for reading yet again! Y'all have kept with me for almost 20 CHAPTERS. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Trust me, I will NOT HESITATE to make these things happen, should you read these on sob fest...

- Give Colin pentobarbital 💊

- Force eyes open while watching romantic movie scene (No I do not care that my phobia will also be triggered) 🫶

- Burn shoe tie braclet, along with every single musical program you have ever collected 📘

- Put "Romantic movie scenes" in your search history, so that ads will directly target it 🎯 

There how's that, am I "getting somewhere" yet?? 😎🤭😈

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