"Why you not taking me seriously?" He asked as I giggled as Taty looked away so miguel doesn't see her laughing

"No baby I am,I promise I am-it's just you're so pretty" I said tilting my head,he sighed before looking back at the woman

"Get your ass out of here before they tear you apart" he demand to the woman,she quickly sprint out the door making Taty and I smile at each other "yeah this is why you two shouldn't work together"

"Yeah but you can't do anything about it cause you know that's gonna effect what goes on at home" I said turning around to face the customers as Taty did the same,

Miguel chuckled as he stepped next to me as lowered his head to my ear "just please be a good girl and don't cause trouble alright?" He said before smacking my bottom and walking away to the back

I rolled my eyes "how was the doctor's appointment?" I asked Taty,she gave a drink to a man before turning her head

"It was fine" she said with a weak smile,I knew her too well and I knew something was up with this appointment.I don't know what she's not telling me but I just hope that she's okay whatever it is

"Remember you can talk to me about anything right?" I said,she nodded with a light smile

"I know,thanks y/n" she spoke as she went back to work


"Then she ran out that fucking door" I told Mason as I took off my jacket,he laughed before shutting the front door.

He turned to me quickly pulling me in by my waist and crashing our lips together,I smiled as I held onto his face as our lips continued to moved together

I giggled as he made us hit the wall,I felt him smile against my lips making me get chills.I lift up one leg on his hip as he then moved a hand onto my jaw kissing me deeply

The sound of a phone ringing made Mason groaned as he threw his head back as I laughed "I'm sorry baby" I told him before sliding the phone out of my jean pocket before walking a bit away from him

I felt a hard slap on my bottom making me snap my head at him "I'm getting that ass tonight whether you like it or not" he said pointing at me before going upstairs

I chuckled while rolling my eyes as I picked up and placed the phone against my ear, "hello?" I spoke

"Hey Taty,this is doctor edwards" the woman spoke,my face dropped as I felt my body tense up..I walked to the couch and sat on the edge as I placed my elbow on the arm rest

"Oh hi" I said now lowering my voice

"We got your test results and they came out positive" she said,i let out a small gasp as my jaw dropped..I just felt my heart drop "if you want,we can send an email of the results so you can see it yourself"

I was speechless,a tear escaped as I felt my hand shaking "are you there?" She said,I took a deep breath

"Did you test it more than once?" I said as I sniffled

"Yes we test it about six to eight times" she said as I lowered my head as I began to cry  "we know you told us that you wanted to be sure so we tested those amount"

I then heard footsteps come down the stairs as Mason peaked his head,he noticed me crying my eyes out which made him skip the last steps as he rushed over to me

"Baby what's wrong?" He whispered,I gave him the hand to wait as I kept trying to breathe.He rubbed my back for comfort as the other was on my thigh rubbing back and forth "breathe" he said

I did so before taking another deep breath "thank you for your help" I said before hanging up as I pat the tears that went down my face so I didn't ruin my makeup

"Can you tell me what's wrong? Who was that?" Mason asked,I looked at him before sniffling.I cleared my throat as I faced my body towards him

"That was my doctor" I spoke,he nodded

"What did she say? Are you sick? Cause if you are I'm not leaving and I'm gonna stay there with you for everything" he said making me lightly smile

"No baby I'm healthy but I asked them to do a test and they tested me multiple times and it came out positive" I said as his eyes widen

"Positive for what?" He asked as I felt my phone vibrate,I picked it up seeing it was the email so I clicked on it and there it showed the results.I then handed the phone to Mason

He kept his eyes on me as he took the phone before he moved his eyes to it,I watched him for his reaction as his eyes widen..

"You're pregnant"..


I had to do it! I wanted something for them and if you're confused I'll make the Taty explain it in the next chapter

My bf and I made one year together today,he said 'it doesn't even feel like a year feels like 17 since you're a pain in my ass but you're still my world'

To me,sounds like personal problem


Love you mwah!

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