S1 Part 1

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                                      Odette/Nora Moon portrayed by Emmy Rossum

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                                      Odette/Nora Moon portrayed by Emmy Rossum


Once Upon A Time. There was an enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know. Or think we know. One day they found themselves trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen. Our World. This is how it happened.


The bells rang in a peal, singing in echoes of melodic glee. The sound twirled through the walls and windows. It invited everyone to come inside to celebrate a joyous occasion, a wedding. A young woman named Odette stood in her dressing room and gazed at herself in the mirror. Her brown hair brought warmth to her simple frame. The hue altered as the strands curled and moved as free as autumn leaves in the daylight. As for her eyes, they became the soil after a heavenly rain. A vulnerability hidden behind strength.

She wore a delicate dress with smooth and refined lines. The lace situated itself symmetrically on the bodice forming the skirt. The lacing on the corset perfectly emphasized the waist. Finally, a thin satin belt with a brooch made from crystals and pearls completed the ensemble.

"You look beautiful." Her eyes maneuvered around the mirror until she met a pair of doe eyes staring at her with admiration. "This is truly a day to remember, Odette."

Snow White was one of the most beautiful women she ever met wearing a breathtaking periwinkle purple gown, complimenting her fair skin. She will never forget the adventures she had with her sometime after she awakened from the sleeping curse. However, an electrical storm clouded Odette's brain, making it horribly intense and painful to the mind once the Evil Queen announced to end everyone's happiness by taking everything away from them.

"It's a little ridiculous, isn't it?" Snow looked at her with confusion, so Odette clarified. "A wedding. We should be planning ahead for the Queen's threat."

"That's why we need it. To distract us."

They both smiled at each other when Odette turned around to face her friend. She still couldn't believe how far the road had been, defending herself against any foes who threatened herself and the people whom she loved. Odette only hoped that there was a way to stop the forces from tearing them all away from each other.

When the doors opened, they looked to see Prince Charming strolling inside with a warm smile on his face. "Are you ready?"

"Yes," Odette made her way to him and said in a soft tone, almost in a whisper, "and thank you for giving me away today."

"It's the least I could do."

"Alright." Snow said, placing her hand on her husband's shoulder. "We have a wedding to attend."

Far Longer Than ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora