Get Along, or Else!

Start from the beginning

" Not yet. We need to wait for the Black Bulls to arrive." He told the young man who wore an annoyed expression when Celeste suddenly stepped forward.

" But sir, the Black Bulls tend to...hinder missions and investigations more then help them. So I think it would be better if we went ahead and began the investigation before they arrive." Celsete suggested seriously as Virgil nodded in agreement.

" Celsete, Virgil, while I appreciate your thoughts and opinions I've already decided we're waiting. And despite the rumors that the Black Bulls are the 'worst' squad who causes only chaos and destruction, that's far from being accurate." Alistar said seriously as he looked at the two. He watched the two's faces grow red and they bowed their heads in embarrassment. Alistar smiled gently at them, they were young and still learning.

They only had to wait a few minutes before they heard a whirring noise come from above. The group of five looked up and saw what appeared to be a ship in the shape of a young Bull head, and Alistar instantly knew it was the younger members of the Black Bulls.

The ship landed a few feet away and after a few minutes a small group of people walked out and came towards them. He instantly recognized Hikari leading her own small group an when she noticed him standing there she waved at him with a bright smile on her face.

" Hey Alistar! So your dad sent you out on this mission too, huh?" She asked as she stood in front of him, she then began to look around him. " And he gave you nothing but rookies I see." She added bluntly, Alistar smiled at her, knowing her words held no malice in them. But Virgil didn't seem to understand that as he became very offended.

" Hey these 'rookies' are a lot more powerful than you, a foreigner, and your little band of lab rats and kids of ex-convicts could ever dream of being." Virgil said angrily and in a cold tone, the Bulls immediately grew angry at the young man's words.

" What did you say you punk?" Aloys Adlai growled as he pulled out his grimoire and Virgil pulled his out as well.

" I mean, Virgil isn't wrong. We are more powerful then all, or most, of you. Being descendants of nobles already gives us a lot of mana, but we also get an extra boost because our parents were possessed by elves and were able to retain a small bit of those elves power." Celeste pointed out in a matter of fact tone.

" If that's the case," Ezio Roulacase, son of Finral Roulacase and Vanessa Enoteca, said in a slightly unsure voice. " Then Hikari and Aloys should both have an extra 'boost' of mana since their parents were also possessed and are from nobility."

Celeste's face immediately turned red and Virgil growled.

" And even with all of that you were still only accepted into the worst Magic Knight squad!" Virgil argued and Alice Legolant, daughter of Henry Legolant, suddenly pipped up.

" That's not true. Most of us joined the Black Bulls because they're our friends and family, and we feel more accepted there then anywhere else!" Alice defended strongly despite her tone being soft.

" And if we're all in the same place we can protect all our precious friends and family better!" Wendy Agrippa, daughter of Gordon Agrippa, said quietly as she crossed her arms.

" And you wanna call us lab rats, kids of ex-convicts, and foreigners when your Captain betrayed his squad and kingdom, is the bastard son of a nobleman, and his own kid loses control of his powers on whim!" Aloys threw back at them angrily and the two Golden Dawn members growled in anger.

" DON'T TALK ABOUT OUR CAPTAIN AND VICE-CAPTAIN THAT WAY!" The Golden Dawn members shouted angrily.


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