30 days without Jimmy{9}

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November 1st, so depressed without jimmy sob sob

You know after the whole prom situation you thought things would be better before Monday right? Nope i was wrong. Me. Scott Smajor. Was so wrong.

Scott used to love sitting by Jimmy each and every morning because of their shared art period.

Of course Mango never sat by Jimmy, but he sat in front of Jimmy soooo yeah so.

Though after that whole prom situation Scott was nervous to sit by him. Scott wished he had Mango's spot instead but was also glad that he didn't. Scott took his usual seat by Jimmy placing his bag under his chair.

"Good morning." Scott told Jimmy, giving him a small smile.

"Good morning." Jimmy said while not looking at Scott.

Those were the only responses Scott would get for days.

November 2nd, so depressed without jimmy sob sob

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

November 3rd, so depressed without jimmy sob sob

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

November 4th, so depressed without jimmy sob sob

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

November 5th, so depressed without jimmy sob sob

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

November 6th, so depressed without jimmy sob sob he so amazing

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

November 7th, so depressed without jimmy sob sob

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

November 8th, so depressed without jimmy sob sob

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

November 9th, so depressed without jimmy sob sob

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

November 10, so depressed without jimmy sob sob

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

November 11th,

"Jimmy's absent." Mango Tango Wango Bango said to Scott as he sat down.

Scott worried. Jimmy was never absent, but it could just be a simple cold.

Whatever it was Scott knew his morning was....gonna be long.

And gloomy.

November 12th,

No Jimmy he so amazing i miss him so much

November 13th,

Still no Jimmy so sad sob sob jimmy so important

November 14th

You guessed it! No Jimmy sobs harder

November 15th,

Scott rushed into class hoping to see a golden haired boy still upset at him but he didnt mind. He loved Jimmy no matter what mood he was in. If he was grumpy, upset, hangry, sad, joyful, Scott would love him through it all.

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