A Bloody Prom {8}

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The dance was very loud and the DJ was blasting some music mixes and techno songs. But besides the loud music and probably high or drunk people. Scott loved the theme of the prom which was 'Spring blooms'. Which meant there were flower decorations and butterflies and just things that represent spring in general!

Sausage looked at the two boys and gave them a stern stare, "I don't want to hear about Jimmy or Lizzie."

"Alright then c'mon handsomes, let's get loose!" Joel pulled out his shades and put them on.

The truth was how do you get a golden haired boy and a pink haired girl out of your mind? That was difficult for the two sophomores.

An hour later Scott was dancing to the rhythm of the music so swell! Moving his body perfectly to each beat and bop. Joel next to him doing the washing machine dance and the sprinkler and of course the shopping cart dance. Sausage was sitting at a table with a friend of his called 'Fwhip.' drinking some soda.

Lizzie had finally entered the dance with Pearl and the two girls looked around the prom in awe. It was just so beautiful to them. Joel saw Lizzie from afar and ran up to Lizzie as she went with Pearl to go get some drinks.

"Lizzie! Have you thought about being my date at prom?"

Pearl laughed at Joel, "He's so eager huh."

Lizzie chuckled and nodded, then looked at Joel, "Yeah sure!"

Joel perked up and grinned, "So how bout a dance?" He pushed his sunglasses up in a soooo cool way.

Lizzie giggled, "Sure." and she walked with Joel to the dance floor.

As they got on to the dance floor the Dj changed the song to a slow-paced beat song and Joel slowly brought his hand to Lizzie's waist. Lizzie put her hand on Joel's shoulder and the other hand in Joel's hand. They slowly swayed to the music and he would twirl Lizzie once every so often. Each time he brought her back to him, He would always make eye contact with her as if she was the only one here on the dance floor with him. Lizzie softly smiled at him and Joel gave a small smile back. Those two were happy and content and no one could break them apart or distract them. Joel whispered to Lizzie, "Thank you for dancing with me."

"Thanks for making it enjoyable!" She smiled.

Joel slowly leans in towards Lizzie and Lizzie looks a bit shocked but slowly moves in as well. Scott from afar pulled out his phone to snap a picture of them kissing to tease Joel later. Joel had finally kissed Lizzie and it was magical to him. Joel felt like, He and Lizzie were the only ones at the dance. Joel pulled away and smiled gently at Lizzie.

"Lizzie, I like you. If that wasn't obvious." Joel chuckled.

Lizzie giggled, "Yeah....I like you too."

While that was going on Scott had looked at the picture he took of the two kissing. He saw something in the background that made his eyes go wide. Scott blinked twice before zooming in. Jimmy was in the back dancing with....TANGO!?

"JIMMY!?" Scott gasped, looked up and walked towards Joel and Lizzie, He pushed past them and stormed towards Jimmy and Tango breaking them apart.

"You didn't say you were coming to prom!" Scott said angrily.

"Woah! Why are you so mad?" Jimmy put his hands up.

"Why are you with Mango over here!"

"Its Tan-"

"Shut up Mango!" Scott snapped.

"Scott, are you okay?" Jimmy looked concerned.

"No! Why are you with him!?"

"Tango asked me at the last second so I said sure!"

"I wanted to take you!" Scott said.

"Why if you're only a sophomore?"

"I-i don't know! I wanted to take him though! To dance with him!"

"Why?" Tango asked.

"Because I like him!" Scott blurted out.

Jimmy looked shocked and a bit flustered at the confession Scott had made. Scott felt small at that moment. Did he really just say that? DID HE? Scott looked down to hide his face. He was embarrassed and humiliated. But he was also scared. Scared of rejection. What if he liked Tango more? Did he even see Scott as more than a friend? Jimmy hadn't even responded to Scott's confession. Tango stood there looking at Scott and Jimmy before saying something.

"Um I also like you too, Jimmy."

Jimmy looked even more shocked. WHY ARE PEOPLE GAY FOR HIM. THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. PLEASE COD HELP HIM. Jimmy had two guys like him and confessed to him at the same time. Jimmy couldn't even respond to them, his best option was to walk away from this whole situation, and so he did. Leaving those two boys behind him, staring after him.

"This is all your fault Tango." Scott snapped.

"My fault? How?" Tango was astonished.

"If you hadn't taken him to this stupid prom night, this would've never happened!"

"If you didn't confess, he wouldn't have ran out."

"You said you liked him too!"

"Yeah and?"

"It's still your fault."

Scott punched Tango right in the stomach, Tango let out a painful groaning sound. Joel and Sausage ran over as they saw what had just happened.

"Scott! What the hell? Why are you punching Tango!?" Sausage exclaimed.

"That was a pretty sweet punch though." Joel raised his hand for a high five from Scott.

"Scott, you shouldn't be punching people!"

"It's not my fault. He told Jimmy that he liked him!"

Joel's eyes widened, "You both told Jimmy that you guys liked him!?"

"Yes!" Scott and Tango said at the same time. Tango was still in pain from Scott's punch. Tango faced Scott and swung his fist into Scott's face.

"That's enough!" Sausage shouted and broke the two apart. Scott fell backwards from the blow and held his nose. It was now bleeding.

Joel helped Scott up, "Let's get you to the boy's restroom and get you some paper towels to clean up that bloody nose of yours."

Scott grumbled and gave one last glare to Tango. He followed Joel to the bathroom while Sausage apologized to Tango many times about Scott's behavior.

He's not taken Jimmy from me. Was the one thing Scott thought as he left.

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