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During Art class Jimmy was doodling flowers as today was just doodle small things. So he decided to doodle flowers. Next to him he saw Scott doodle birds but small ones like sparrows or hummingbirds. A boy with bright yellow hair turned back to look at Jimmy and looked at his flowers then look back at him, "Got an extra pencil?"

"Uh let me check." Jimmy searched his bag for a pencil, pulled one out and gave it to the boy, "You can keep it I don't really need it." Jimmy smiled the yellow haired boy smiled and nodded, "Names Tango and thank you." 

"Mines Jimmy!"

"Nice to meet you Jimmy!" Tango turned around and went back to doodling.

Jimmy heard a paper tore as he looked back at Scott who ripped his paper scowling at it and got up to throw it away as he sat back down Scott sighed. Jimmy gave him a concerned look and Scott gave him a reassuring smile then went back to his doodling. But deep down inside Scott was just a little bit jealous.

The bell had rung and the two boys packed up and left to their next class. Scott was walking pretty fast.

"Can you slow down?" Jimmy asked and Scott turned to look at him,"Sorry..."

"Its alright."

Jimmy wondered why Scott wanted to go to his 2nd period class so early if it was math? He dropped off Scott at his 2nd period class and saw him sit by Joel. Jimmy made an 'Oh' sound as he turned to go to his 2nd period class. Scott must've needed to talk to Joel about something important which didn't bother Jimmy. He mentally groaned as he had P.E next which was a pain since he wasn't a good soccer player and Xornoth would tease him for how his legs looked like sticks. He quickly changed into his P.E clothes and shoved his school clothes into his locker and made sure to lock it. He made his way to the gym and saw one of his best friends waiting for him in the corner.

"Tim!!!" The boy waved.

"Grian!!!" Jimmy said excitedly and did their secret handshake which wasn't a secret if everyone saw them do it but it was super complicated so no one can really follow along with it.

"Were starting the swimming unit today excited?"

"WAIT WHAT!?" Jimmy then noticed Grian was wearing some swimming trunks and a normal t-shirt.

"Oh Tim you forgot..." 

"I-I-I can still swim in these clothes!!! Can I use your towel afterwards tho?"

"Yeah sure." Grian smiled.

The Pe teacher called to his whole class for attendance then he told them that we were walking to the pool. Grian was pretty excited and Jimmy was also excited but he hated having to change out of wet clothes after swimming. He got into the pool and started shivering the water was cold but it was nice to swim IF IT WASENT HIS 2ND PERIOD!!! Grian hopped into the pool and splashed Jimmy as he got in. The teacher then scolded Grian and warned him not to do it again. Grian and Jimmy just splashed each other and held their breathes under water. Surprising Jimmy can hold his breathe for 3 minutes which is longer than Grian.

-Scotts pov-

Scott quickly walked in his class without saying bye to Jimmy and sat by Joel.

"Woah Scott you okay?"

"I hate to admit but..." Scott tugged on his hair groaning,"I might be jealous..."

"Jealous?" Joel raised his eyebrows,"Of what?"

"Of who is more like it." He hit his head on his desk.

"Your jealous of someone?"

"Yes I might just be overreacting tho.." Scott sighed

"That seems like you." Joel laughed

"Shut up! Anyhow I saw Jimmy talk to some bright blonde boy and well yeah."

"And then you ran to me?" Joel asked and Scott nodded

Scott started ranting,"Oohhh does he like blondes? Well ill show him that cyan is way better!!!" 

"Isnt Jimmy blonde?"

Scott thought for a moment,"I see him as a golden colored."

It was now afterschool and Scott walked into his dorm with Joel right behind him. Sausage was already in the dorm playing some video game about blocks so Joel ran over and pushed him and took the controller. Sausage glared at him then they started fighting. Scott had too call the two boys down and then Scott took the controller and played the block video game. Then there was a knock on the door and the boys all looked towards it as tho they were dogs about to bark at it. Sausage got up and opened the door, "Oh hey Jimmy! Need something?"

"J-jimmy!?!" Scott panicked and hid behind the couch,"Joel!" He whispered,"Tell him im not here!!!"

Joel looked confused,"Why not?"

"Because im so not mad at him for talking to another boy."

Joel nodded,"Gotcha."

Sausage was still talking to Jimmy,"Oh Scott is-'' Joel cut him off,"Scott has the stomach flu right now!!!"

Sausage looked confused then looked at Scott who was behind the couch mouthing 'Play along! Ill explain later!'

Sausage nodded,"So Jimmy yeah Scotts unwell youll have to find someone else to help you. Sorry bud!!!"

Scott heard Jimmy say,"Guess I could ask Lizzie well tell Scott I said get well soon!"

And with that Jimmy left and Scott was sitting behind the couch feeling like crap. Who knew jealousy was such an ugly feeling? It was so suffocating. His heart felt like it was...broken?

"Scott?" Joel said peeked over the couch,"Youve got nothing to worry about buddy."

Sausage nodded he also peeked over the couch,"Yeah!"

Scott nodded and sighed,"Ill get over it. Ill get over it." He mumbled. He breathed in and out a few times to stop the aching in his heart that hurt. What was there to be jealous about?

That blonde boy who talked to Jimmy was just a classmate and nothing more right?

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