Dorms {4}

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Jimmy and Scott had been getting closer. Jimmy would invite Scott over to his house whenever Scott was available. Jimmy had asked Scott to come over one day when Scott was with Xornoth and Xornoth started yelling at Jimmy to stop harassing his twin brother with dumb hang outs and sleepovers. Scott ingored Xornoth comments and would drag jimmy with him to his house while a furious Xornoth shouted as they left. Lizzie was always happy to have Scott around the house and so was their mom. Scott had met Jimmy and Lizzies Dad who was really nice but stern. He always made sure the three of them did homework before they went to goof off together or go out anywhere.

Scott's dad was getting suspicious at the fact Scott was only hanging out with a male but left it at that once Scott said they were only friends. His mom was excited that Scott had made a good group of friends that he loves to spend time with. Xornoth was being as cold as ever. His excuse was "He was just looking out for Scott" But that was a lie.

"Good morning Scott!" Jimmy smiled as he took his seat next to Scott for their first period.

"Morning Jimmy!" Scott returned the smile.

"Did you hear were getting dorms!?" Jimmy shouted,"What if we get paried together!"

"Really!? Dorms! That would be so helpful for me!" Scott wanted to jump out of his seat in joy.

"Yep! Each dorm will have 3 students!"

"Oh." Scott didnt know many people so he hoped he was dormates with atleast someone he knew.

"Yeah! I think our advisory class will annouce it and give us who were gonna be with!"

"Yay." Scott sighed.


*Advisory time*

"Alright class! I will be announcing the doormates!" The teacher started passing out papers to everyone.

"Wonder who will get." Xornoth whispered to Scott.

"Hopefully im not with you." Scott mumbled and look at the names of who hes with.

Room 607
Scott Smajor
Joel Beans
Sausage Mythical

"This is perfect!" Scott hugged his paper tightly then turned to his twin, "Who did you get?"

"I got....Fwip,Pat and Joey!" Xornoth beamed at joeys name.

"Lucky you got your boyfriend." Scott grinned.

"Hes not my boyfriend!" Xornoth snarled.


After advisory ended everyone had the rest of the day off so they could settle in their new rooms and meet their dormmates. Scott was the last one to arrive and was met with a hug from Joel and a little wave from sausage. They were all excited they got each other since they knew each other.

"Poor Jimmy though." Joel said.


"He got put with Lizzie and Pearl!"

"Why did he get put with girls?" Sausage asked.

"Supposedly the boys he got put with didnt let him in the dorm so Lizzie asked if Jimmy could room with them."

"Well that wont cause problems since their siblings." Scott put in.

"Yeah! And pearls a nice girl too!" Joel added.

Sausage stood up and stretched,"Alright gossip boys lets go out and get food im starving!"

"Are we allowed to go off campus?" Joel asked.

"Yep! Just gotta get back before curfew!"

"Whens curfew?"

"9 o'clock!"

"Lameeee." Joel whined.

Sausage and Scott laughed and the 3 headed out. Joel suggested they go out to a nice fancy dinner while sausage said they should go to an arcade with pizza to celebrate. Scott agreed to that idea and Joel sighed and was disappointed he wouldn't get to wear hes luxury green suit.

"You only wanna wear it so on the way out Lizzie would notice you." Scott teased him then an idea popped up,"Wait should I wear a cyan tuxedo." He put a hand on his chin.

"Oh not you too Scott!" Sausage cried out 

They walked into the arcade. The loud music was playing, the colorful carpet and the strange shapes on it, kids running around and screaming in glee, the arcade machines making fun noises and the smell of...

"Pizza!" The 3 highschoolers shouted jumping together.

"Wait is that..." Scott narrowed his eyes to see Joey and Xornoth playing a fighting game together. Joey pouted as he lost and Xornoth smiled and gloated and probably most likely bragging about how hes the best. 

"Are they on a date?" Sausage gasped, "And didn't tell me!?!"

Scott shrugged watching the two from afar. Did Xornoth have a soft spot for Joey? Would this be the only time he saw his twin brother smile? Joey and Xornoth went back to playing the fighting game and this time Joey won and Xornoth gave him a highfive.

"Hey gang! I got a table and ordered pizza for us!" Joel shouted waving his arms for Sausage and Scott to see him.

"That was fast." Scott remarked as he sat down.

"Im gonna get some tokens for us!" Sausage said and went to turn in his cash for tokens.

Scott and Joel talk for a bit just saying random things till Sausage came back and joined in the conversation while he put the cup of tokens on the table. The worker brought over their pizza and the three boys admired the pizza pratically drooling at it. They dug into the Pizza. Scott and sausage eatting it nice and slow while Joel made a mess everywhere. The boys went home it was 5pm and they saw a cafe open and went inside for drinks.

"Hey Joel look who it is~" Scott teased as they moved up the line and saw Lizzie as the cash register. She looked up and waved, "Hey guys! Coffee?"

"Yep! I want mine dark!" Sausage added.

"A Latte is fine!" Scott smiled then looked at Joel who was lovestruck as though cupid had shot him through his heart, "Joel?"

"Huh?" He shook his head, "Just um....water please."

"Got it!" She quickly went off to go get their drinks filling each cup carefully as to not make a mess.

Scott looked around the cafe. It had a nice smell of coffee with lovely music playing in the background and great lighting from the sun. Plants hung around the windows and the wooden Decore matched the whole vibe of the place. He was caught off guard as he saw a blonde boy. Sausage looked at what Scott was staring at and made an 'Oh' sound and called out to Jimmy, "YO JIMMY WHATS UP!" Jimmy jumped and looked at the three boys and smiled and did a small wave. He was on his phone doing whatever he was doing and homework papers were scattered on the table he was sitting at. Clearly he wasn't doing his homework. Joel nudged Scott towards where Jimmy was sitting and Scott looked at Joel with a panicked look, shaking his head frantically. Lizzie came back with their drinks and Joel paid giving Lizzie a tip. Scott was about to walk out before Joel dragged him over to Jimmys table and pulled a few chairs out for the three of them to sit on.

"Hey Jimmy! What are you doing here?" Joel started the conversation.

"Oh trying to do homework but I got a little distracted." He pointed at his phone nervously smiling.

"Oh this coffee's strong." Sausage mumbled to himself as he took another sip.

Scott looked down at his cup. What should he say? Joel was doing him a huge favor which he knew he was going to have to be in debt to Joel which he hated. He sighed and focused so intensely on his cup he hadn't realized they asked him something. "Huh?"

"Jimmy asked if you knew how to do the history homework." Joel said.

"History...." Scott trailed off then shook his head, "Huh? Oh yeah!" 

"Think you can help me afterschool?"

"Yeah just stop by our dorm!"

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