We cant go to prom! {6}

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Scott was walking the halls with Joel till Joel stopped him and pointed at a poster.

"Prom?" Scott said out loud,"We cant go were only sophomores! Thats juniors and seniors!"

"Luckily we know a junior who can get us in!" Joel grinned.

"We do?" Scott looked confused.

The two boys were back at there dorm pleading to sausage to take them to the prom which was next Saturday.

"Guys I don't go to events like that!" Sausage sighed shaking his head.

"Why not! Proms a big event!" Joel shouted, "Pearls taking Lizzie and-"

Sausage narrowed his eyes, "So you just want to take me to you can ask Lizzie to dance huh."

Scott looked at Joel and whispered, "You think she can take Jimmy to?"

"I thought you were mad at him?"

"I-Well no- not anymore." Scott looked away then he looked back at sausage,"Well i just want to go to hang out with you guys."

Sausage smiled and nodded, "You see Scott just wants to spend time with us!"

"Well thats because his boyfriend cant go!" Joel rolled his eyes.

"Hey! Hes not my boyfriend!" Scott tossed a couch pillow at Joels face.

Joel ended up catching the pillow before it hit his face, "Yet."

Sausage sat there thinking for a bit before he sighed,"Fine ill take you guys."

"LETS GOOOOOOO!!!" Joel shouted and jumped around and high-fives Scott and Sausage.

                                                                  ---The next day first period---

Scott and Jimmy were painting landscapes. Jimmy painted a beach and added little crabs. Scott was painting a forest with little woodland creatures. They painted in silence. Till a certain blond yellowish boy came over to them.

"Hey Jimmy that looks great!"

"Thanks Tango what did you paint?" Jimmy smiled at Tango.

They talked and talked and Scott stood there staring. His blood boiled. He stayed there not moving. The paint on his paint brush dripping on his painting ruining the landscape of the forest. His breathing heavy. What was going on with him? Just seeing Jimmy happy with someone other then him broke him. Scott dropped his paint brush and ran out the art classroom. Jimmy called out to him but Scott had already left and ran down the schools hallways straight into the boys bathroom. He walked in and straight into a stall locked it and put the toliet seat cover down and sat on it hugging his knees. His eyes were puffy. Someone walked into the bathroom and stood right in front of Scotts stall.

"Brother?" Xornoth softly called out,"Whats wrong?"

"Why do you care?" Scott said harshly. 

"Im your brother thats why its my job." He scoffed, "Now what happened? Did someone hurt you?"

"I guess you can say that." Scott muttered.


"Well-not really i just...got jealous..."

Xornoth started bursting out in laughter, "Jealous? Scott were the hottest twins in this school! Who do we have to be jealous of?"

"Some dumb blonde boy thats who."

Xornoth went silent for a second,"Jimmy?"

"What! No! Hes more golden"

"Blonde...." Xornoth muttered for a second.

"I think his name was Tango? Mango?"

Xornoth nodded,"Never heard of him."

Scott wiped his eyes and came out the stall. He walked to the sink and splashed his face,"Well now you know."

"So you ran to the bathroom and left Jimmy talking to him?"

Scott shot up and looked in the mirror,"Oh my...i did!!!"

The bell rang and the twin brothers looked at each other.

Xornoth chuckled, "Wow time passed by." he patted Scotts back, "Head up, stand tall, no slouching. Your way better now act like it."

Scott sighed and stood up tall, "Still, look like a mess."

"Dont you keep a spare brush in your bag?"


"Alright now off to class you go."

"Thanks Xornoth cya afterschool."

Scott walked out the bathroom taking deep breaths and walked back to the art classroom to get his things. He didn't expect Jimmy waiting for him holding his bag. 

"Oh hey Scott! You okay?" Jimmy had a concerned face.

"Hm? Oh yeah im fine just felt like throwing up." Scott said nervously laughing. He did feel like vomiting his insides because of being jealous.

"Oh do you want to see the nurse?"

"No im okay now." Scott took his bag and thanked Jimmy for packing his things and the two boys walked to Scott's 2nd period. Scott said goodbye to Jimmy and went in to sit by Joel like he normally does. Joel smiled at Scott.

"Ready for next Saturday?"

"Ready as ill ever be really." Scott took out his hairbrush and brushed his hair so it didnt look like a mess. Then he tried to pay attention to the class.

{Sorry for the short chapter!!!}

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