Chapter 28: Look Who's Back...

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Interesting name for a chapter *smiles evilly*

As we all got off the train I looked around the town, it seemed normal enough.

People were shopping at the markets, children were playing outside, and adults walked around with one another laughing and joking around about everyday life.

"So where's the clients home?" I asked as we started walking.

Scarlet pointed towards the mansion towards the back of the town.

"There Stella Light, is said to be the heir to the Light family throne and said to be the leader of the dark rituals as well." I whistled a little.

"So a royal princess isn't getting her way so she's taking out her anger by using dark magic, or she's not getting enough attention from her deadbeat father and is doing this as retaliation." I said looking at the mansion.

"So it would seem, her father wants us to find the book and destroy it before his daughter has a chance to be consumed by the darkness of the magic." As we stepped up to the door I felt an ominous presences. Like someone was watching me. I abruptly turned around and looked back the way we came.

"What's wrong?" Igneel asked confused.

"Nothing, I just don't have a good feeling about this..." The door opened then and a woman with blonde hair and brown eyes stepped forward.

"Excuse me." She pushed past all of us.

"That must be our little princess." I muttered and watched her walk down the stairs and disappear around a corner in the town.

"Igneel, Alina go after her, we'll talk to the client." Scarlet said and we rushed after the girl.

The ominous feeling came back and I felt a wave of nausea.

What was this feeling and why did it feel so familiar?

"I call forth the one of death, the bringer of destruction! Come forth Blood of the Moon!" I heard the girl chant in the alleyway.

Blood of the Moon?! Red Moon!!

The sky turned red and I saw a red moon appear. I walked into the alley.

"Well, well look who decided to show up." Igneel touched my shoulder in a protective manner.

"Why are you here Red Moon?" I asked.

"Well, why else do you think I'm here? I'm here to get stronger and finally eliminate the dragon who tried to destroy me."

My mother...

"You think I'm going to sit back and let you murder my mother?!" I yelled and pushed past Igneel. "Holy Dragon Roar!" She smiled.

"Death Dragon Roar!" The roars collided and the power was equal!

"How is that possible?!" I said shocked that in such a short period of time Red Moon had gained so much power.

"Did you think those dark rituals that were being done here were for her own amusement? They helped me regain the powers I once had and now I'm strong enough to withstand a human form without her fighting me. I will not lose again to your mother, Alina. I will not allow that she-devil to live!" I saw a red light appear around her. "Now if you'll excuse me I have a date with a certain princess of dragons." She vanished and I turned around.

"We have to get back to the guild before she gets there!" I yelled. The sky went back to normal and I frowned.

How could she be back?! What if we're too late and my mom...

Mom hang on we're coming!

Red MoonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz