"I'm here to ask Logan Sargeant questions after this video, I just came earlier to see you," Amanda winked at her. Leah smiled and sat back down.

"To watch me humiliate myself you mean," Leah sighed as she peeked under the lid.

"Leah intro first," Christian informed her. She pursed her lips and dropped the lid. "Hey everybody it's Leah Guessey-Norris and I'm here with our newest edition to the grid."

"Logan Sargeant," Logan smiled at the camera s he gave a small wave.

"One of three I've heard," Leah wiggled her brows. "Today is just a judgemental video about Americans trying other countries' foods." She lifted the top. "I even know this one." Leah smiled as she stared at the fish and fries.

"Fish and fires," Logan said as he ate a fry. Leah smiled and gave him a high five.

"This is my son now, I've adopted him," Leah pointed to him as she ate another fry. She looked at one of the cameramen. "So since I'm American do we have ketchup or ranch for my fries?" Leah asked.

"You have other meals," Amanda laughed at her. Leah nodded as someone brought there both ketchup and ranch.

"I know, that's why I'm not touching the fish," She smiled at the camera and pointed. "If you know, you know. Do you want some ketchup?" She asked Logan. he smiled and took some from her.

"You really use the ranch for fries?" He asked as he watched her dip her fry in ranch and eat it happily. She dusted her fingers off her pants.

"You bet your ass, if you haven't tried it that's a sin," Leah laughed as she pushed her basket toward him. He grabbed his own fry and dipped it into the ranch. He sat for a moment as he chewed it. "You can't tell me that's not good?" Logan smiled at the cameras and pointed at her.

"She's onto something," Logan went for another fry and grabbed the reach.

"This is just despicable," Amanda shook her head. Leah smiled at her.

"Oh dear, they are eating the chips with ranch, it's the end of the world," Leah laughed as she pushed the food to the edge of the table. They brought the next one out. Leah revealed the plate to the screen and then looked at it. "What the fuck is that?" She slapped her hand over her mouth. "Sorry, I'm not allowed to say that am I?"

"When are you ever?" Amanda laughed. Logan laughed at her too. Leah smiled at him and patted his shoulder.

"Do what I don't do, not what I do young one," She looked back at the plate. "Okay, wait, this is Greek," She turned the plate a little. It was like pita bread. "Pita bread, or Naan, I don't know and used to eat this all the time with Humus. Gyro." Leah snapped her fingers as she got a nod from Amanda.

"You are so proud," Logan shook his head at her. Leah shrugged.

"I gotta be proud about something," She opened the bread and saw greens and some kind of flaky meat. "What the hell?" She held it up to the camera. "Do you see how thin this is?"

"Leah put it down on the plate," Logan lifted her plate as the meat broke in half falling down on the plate. He set her plate down and she quickly put it back together taking a bit. She looked over at Logan who nodded.

"It's alright," Leah waved her hand from side to side. She dipped a fry in her ranch and ate it. "Im gonna use that to cleanse my palette, but will someone get me a box, please? I want Lando to try this." Leah licked her finger as someone appeared with a box. She went to take her plate. "I can get it love, thank you though." Leah smiled at the woman as she packed up the gyro.

"Next is whatever this is?" Logan revealed a few round pieces of bread and then a bowl of soup it looked like.

"Soup?" Leah asked as he picked up one of the pieces of bread and her finger went through it. "They are hollow," She muttered as Logan laughed at her. "Stop laughing," Leah smiled. "how do we eat these?" She asked.

Mind of Steel | Part two | L.N.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora