"What do you want?" Leah asked as she ran back into the living room going down the entrance stairs to the basement.

"I want to see my daughter, that's all, they aren't my problem anymore Leah, you don't understand," She saw a door was shut with a chair in front of it. She opened the door and saw Cassidy on the ground. She was balling.

"What do you mean?" Leah asked as she came forward. Cassidy looked up suddenly as she cowered. Leah grabbed her hand. "Cass, it's me, it's me," Leah whispered to her.

"Leah," Cassidy muttered suddenly her eyes slowly adjusting. Elizabeth started crying upstairs. "Elizabeth!" Cassidy cried as she ran up the stairs.

"It's weird how easy it is to get into people's houses these days Leah, especially ones like this," He laughed a little. She heard the sound of doors closing. Cabinet doors. "You tried to ruin my life, Leah, you tried to take my girlfriend and my daughter from me. Let me see them or something bad will happen to someone you love." Leah ran upstairs seeing Cassidy holding Elizabeth as she rocked her tears streaming down her face.

"I'll call you," Cassidy muttered as Leah ran out of Cassidy's house.

"Please, please, Mark," Leah begged. She knew Lando was probably safe with Max still, but she couldn't risk it. "Mark, I've lost everyone in my family. You've still got everyone." She dodged a few people who stared at her like she was crazy.

"Do I?" He sighed at the sound of something breaking. "You've made them turn against me. Leah, why should you deserve to be happy when you ruined mine." Leah wheezed as she appeared at her home seeing the door was open.

"Please," She opened the door and just it behind her as she looked down the long hall. Her heart was racing and her chest was heavy as she tried to catch her breath. "Mark!" She yelled as she walked forward. His tall figure slid into view as he held a cup from her kitchen.

"Hello Leah," He sang as he tossed the glass farther into the room. "So what did you decide on?" Leah slowly walked forward seeing he trashed her kitchen.

"This isn't my decision Mark, I'm not a part of your little family. You should be able to see that something is wrong with you and your daughter shouldn't be around you." Leah explained as she tried to slowly walked around her kitchen to where the knives were. Being here alone with Mark made her realize how defenseless she was. Mark stopped just in front of the butcher block and grabbed the biggest knife he could. Leah's phone in her back pocket kept going off.

"But it is your decision because you see, Cassidy will only listen to you," He turned around. "She's only ever listened to you." He pointed the knife at her. Leah stared at the knife in his hand as he slowly approached her.

"Leah you've gotta understand, from what I've seen you are obsessed with your husband. What was his name again? Lando? Yes, I think that was it," Mark smiled at her. He had grown out his facial hair making him look even more unappealing than before. "So you've gotta understand the lengths I'm willing to go to get my baby back. I haven't even been able to hold her. When I broke into Cassidy's house and locked Cassidy in the basement. Elizabeth was sitting by herself all alone. She stared at me like I was a stranger. Do you know what that feels like?" He asked. The knife in his hand was getting too close to Leah's face now. She took a step back her shoes crunching on the broken glass.

"You will go to jail," Leah said as she swallowed her spit. Her eyes came away from the knife for a moment looking into his eyes.

"I just want my daughter," He breathed as he rested the tip on her collarbone.

"Why didn't you take her from Cassidy's then?" Leah asked as she winced. He pressed the tip of the blade into her skin.

"Because I want to see my daughter fair and square, if I take her that's kidnapping and you would be all over that, but this, this is going to be legal. I want some kind of rights over my daughter and I'm prepared to fight for her." Mark clenched his teeth as he pulled the knife back. "That's all, but you are going to be the one to talk with her."

Mind of Steel | Part two | L.N.Where stories live. Discover now