20: Red

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"Grabbed my coat, I was freaking, I was ready to go"
-The White Stripes-

Heads turned as I arrived upon the deck, electricity crackling around me.

Oh, and those heads would roll.

"Hi," I said to the nearest Grisha. "I'm Ada, what's your name?"

Too stunned to speak, a cry escaped his lips as my fist collided with his face.

He fell, withering away in shock.

"What are you?"

Rolling my eyes, I ignored the question, moving on to my next opponent.

I was a flash of pain and light, singeing my enemies.


My legs were swept from under me by a Squaller.

A gasp of surprise escaped my lips as I fell, hard, onto the wooden planks.

The Squaller was upon me, tussling with a knife.

I grunted with effort, summoning electricity at my fingertips as I ripped at his hair.

I managed to pry him off, staggering to my feet. Oh, saint, my side hurt.

I stumbled to the gunwale, sliding down and out of sight.

My breath was rapid as I gazed at the scene unfolding.

Mal Oretsev lay on the deck next to the Sun Summoner. A heartrender had him.

Alina Starkov seemed to be struggling too.

The crowd was tense with fear.

"General Kirigan, this will only turn the world against you and all Grisha; you'll not be seen as a saviour, but as a heretic," spoke a woman amongst them.

Other members produced guns, cocking them toward the general.

Kirigan raised his hands.

Alina Starkov cried out.

The audience fell.

Dark reigned.

"Shame, I'll have to give that speech again now," sighed Kirigan.

I gritted my teeth. It was time the world knew who the Kübriks were.

I stood, allowing the Kügelblitz to sprout from my entity, searing bolts cutting through the darkness.

I heard gunshots. Jesper.

"Jesper!" cried Inej.

He fell back, groaning in pain.

I felt heat rise in my cheeks.

A wave of adrenaline crashed into me as I lurched forward, my mind clear of thought.

"You crummy, motherfucking, heretical prick!" I sneered, tackling him to the ground.

His eyes widened in shock as I crashed my fists into his head, lightning scorching his cheeks.

As I raised my hands for one final blow, I felt a biting pain in my leg.


A force knocked me back, a cry escaping my lips as I tumbled off the ship.

"It'll take more than that!" yelled the general.

Bones cracked as my legs met the ground, buckling under impact.

I screamed in agony, rogue tears running down my cheeks.

My ankle burned.

I seethed through gritted teeth, cursing as I used the hull of the skiff to stand up.

The Volcra growled.

My heart pounded.

I searched the darkness for any sign of them.

One swooped out of the abyss. I cried out, limping away as fast as I could.

My legs burned and I collapsed, rolling onto my back.

The Volcra was upon me, it's grotesque face and sharp teeth tearing toward me.

A deep, throaty cry echoed from my lips as I summoned the Kügelblitz upon the beast.

It roared back, and we engaged in a competition of sound.

I continued to drive the lightning through the darkness, the Volcra withering but not relenting.

Suddenly, the ground disappeared. The Volcra had me.

It tore into the sky. I dug my nails into its flesh, volts charging through its veins.

It screeched, releasing me from its grip.

In the moments I fell, I prepared myself.


My back cracked against the wooden planks of the skiff. I gasped in shock and pain, paralysed where I lay.

As my vision cleared, I heard a gunshot followed by Jesper's voice.

"Still couldn't shoot the pretty face, I've got to stop doing that,"

I breathed an unsteady sigh of relief. He was okay.

As I writhed, I felt hands around my wrists, dragging me to shelter.

"Kaz!" I exclaimed as I struggled against the skiff wall, seething in pain.

"You promised," hissed Kaz, his hands on my shoulders as he examined me. "What happened?"

"Oh, y'know, the usual; attacking a Second Army general, getting stabbed by a Second Army General, getting thrown overboard by a Second Army General,"

"Okay," Kaz interjected, relief in his eyes. "I'm just glad you're alive."

"I'm not," I said, before adding. "Because of the pain, I mean. My ankle and... oh, a Volcra attacked me."

He furrowed his brow.

"But don't worry, I kicked his ass," I smiled weakly. Blood trickled from the corner of my lips.

Kaz wiped it away. He opened his mouth, but before any sound could escape his lips, the screams of a hundred Volcra echoed through the air.

He didn't hesitate, wrapping his arms around my waist. I stood with his aid.

Kaz led me further into the safety of the skiff as the Volcra grew closer.

There was fear in his eyes. "Adelaide,"

"Shut up," I muttered, fighting back tears. "Don't say anything. Last words are for losers."

Kaz laughed.

I laughed.

We laughed together.

As I leant against the wall for support, the skiff burst into light.

My mouth fell agape and I whooped with joy.

I pulled Kaz in to a tight hug, burying my face in his coat.

I ignored the pain in my side.

I stood back, looking at the world beyond.

"Here," Kaz extended his cane to me. "You need it more,"

I wafted it away. "No, no, I'll manage,"

I took one step.

I fell against the gunwale, waving my hand at him. "Alright, alright, I'll take it."

He smirked as I took it from his grasp.

"Thank you, Kaz," I sighed, glancing at him with a grin.

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