15: Butterflies

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"This thing called love
I just can't handle it"

I leant against the grubby bathroom wall, my brain feeling fuzzy.

"Here, spare needle and thread," Inej handed the items to me. "You sure you don't want my help?"

I shook my head. "I'll manage, thanks."

She left me.

I took off my coat, and unbuttoned my shirt. My upper chest was wrapped tightly in a band of linen.

The gash was just below it.

I threaded the needle, stabbing it into the gash. My hands shook.

I bit back a cry.

"Adelaide?" Kaz called quietly.

I turned my back to the door. "Come in," I replied.

He limped in, eyes flicking from my shirt and to the ground. He cleared his throat.

"Are you okay?" I asked, glancing over my shoulder. I cursed after stabbing the needle into my chest once again.

"Yes, ah," he frowned to himself. "Would you like me to... to help?"

"You don't have to," my hands still trembled, and I sighed.

"It's all right," replied Kaz.

I turned slowly. My heart beat increased as I watched Kaz's eyes tracing down my body quickly.

His cheeks tinted as he slipped off his gloves.

I gave him the needle and thread, steadying my breathing. I leant against the sink.

"If it hurts too much, tell me and we can take a break," said Kaz quietly.

He slowed his breathing, carefully recommencing the stitch.

I whimpered in pain, trying to stifle the sound.

"Don't worry, it's okay," whispered Kaz as he focused. "The wound isn't too deep,"

I put my hands on his shoulders, linking my fingers around the back of his neck.

I scrunched my eyes shut as he sewed the wound shut, seething each time the needle stung my skin.

"There," Kaz snapped the spare thread off, discarding it. "It's stitched up,"

I opened my eyes, releasing a relieved sigh.

Kaz met my gaze.

I smiled, resting my forehead against his. "Thank you, Kaz," I whispered.

"I'm just glad it wasn't any worse," muttered Kaz.

The space between us was almost nothing.

"Can I..." I glanced at his lips.

He didn't reply, closing the proximity of our lips.

His hands slipped timidly around my bare waist. Sparks danced across my skin.

My hands traced his jaw.

Butterflies whirled in my stomach, my heart aching.

I felt my body being lifted onto the sink as the kiss deepened.

It was euphoric, it was~

"Am I interrupting?"

I pulled away from Kaz, eyes wide. Kaz scrambled away, glaring at Jesper.

"Jesper, I swear if you~" Kaz began, pausing to catch his breath.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" I cocked my head to the side, speedily trying to button my shirt.

"Sorry, I just," Jesper sighed. "I won't say anything."

Kaz slipped on his gloves, clearing his throat. "I'll go make us dinner."

He shoved past Jesper, leaving the barn briskly.

Jesper smirked. "Well, well, well,"

I covered my red face with my hands. "Jesper,"

"So, who started this... little thing?" Jesper grinned like a child.

"Don't be weird!" I huffed. "What do you want, anyway?"

"I came here simply concerned for my friend's welfare... now, well, I'm intrigued."

"By what?" I asked, putting on my coat.

"Are you Grisha?" he asked.

I froze. "What?"

"There were sparks on your hands," explained Jesper, brow arched in curiosity.


Then again, it was Jesper...

But could I trust him? What if he let my secret slip over a beer in some tavern?

No. I'm sure it would be fine.

I could just kill whoever finds out.

"Fine," I admitted, holding up my hands in surrender. "You got me."

Jesper looked at me in surprise. "Wait- really?"

"Yes," I replied. "And I swear to the Saints, Jesper, I will skin you alive if you tell a single soul,"

Jesper couldn't help but smirk. "How could you ever skin such a pretty face?"

I rolled my eyes, smiling. "I'm serious. This shit is dangerous, I don't need it hurting anyone unnecessarily,"

Jesper nodded, sincerity in his tone. "Yeah, don't worry," he paused. "So Kaz knows?"

I sighed. "He found out at the Fete."

"Wow," Jesper mused. "Star-crossed lovers, huh?"

I shoved him. "Shut up, Jes,"

"Jes? I like that, 'Jes'," smiled Jesper, following me out of the bathroom.

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