9: Fete

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"Take these broken wings
And learn to fly"
-Paul McCartney-

Kaz and I would 'make our own way' into the Little Palace, the others travelling with a performing troop.

We dressed ourselves in guard regalia.

"I suit uniforms," I remarked, smoothing down my coat.

I slipped on my gloves once again.

"I take it you're feeling better?" Kaz said as we walked by the carts.

In front of us, a man was pulled from underneath a carriage.

"No!" He cried as he was dragged by the guards. We moved in amongst them. "The Sun Summoner! I just want to see her!"

We joined the guards entering the palace.

I felt a surge of adrenaline rush through me. I was in the Little Palace. I'd done it.

"Kaz...?" I began.


"What?" I asked.

He didn't look at me. "You're where you want to be. Go, and do what you must."

I nodded slowly. "I'll come after I'm done, as backup."

Kaz turned. "Why? Do you need a way back across the Fold?" he questioned.

I furrowed my brow. Why did I want to come back to help? I didn't need them. They weren't... oh, maybe they were my friends.

I'd never had friends. I'd never been hugged by anybody. I couldn't just end it now.

"No." I answered. "I'm coming back because it's the right choice."

Something flashed across Kaz's face, too fast for me to interpret.

I reached out my gloved hand to his. He took it. I shook his hand slowly.

"I'll see you later," I said firmly.

He gave me a nod.

The Little Palace was exactly how I thought it would be.

I nipped to the fair to collect my things, changing out of the guard uniform and into my own garment.

I'd been saving it for this moment.

It was dark in colour, with golden details and sharp white streaks down it that resembled lightning.

I approached the cave with caution, slipping my gloves off and into my pocket.

"Who are you, girl?" an old voice called.

I flinched. "Baghra?"

"No, that's my name," the woman chuckled. "Reveal yourself, before I call the guards."

I stumbled upon her, rocking in a chair, smiling at me.

"What do you want, girl?" she asked curtly.

I balled my fists, taking deep breaths. "I want answers." I said. "My name is Ada~ Adelaide Kübrik, and two years ago... my parents crossed the Fold and sought your knowledge."

Baghra paused, staring at me curiously. "Kübrik?"

"Yes. Do you remember what they asked for?" I prompted.

"You had a twin," she muttered. "A brother... Nathaniel?"

"Nate," my voice was uneven. "I want to know... I want to know why they killed him."

Baghra cast her eyes away. "You poor girl. Sit down."

I obeyed. She extended her upturned palms to me. Reluctantly, I placed my own above hers.

Sparks flew. I retracted my hands, holding them at my chest.

"Kübrik is not just a surname, is it, child?" Baghra said sadly. "But a bloodline of Grisha."

"I know that much."

"Your ancestors did not want the Kügelblitz to be wielded by the common people, so they found a way to assure the bloodline would remain even and exclusive," Baghra explained.

The Kügelblitz. Ball of lightning.

"So, the mother would pray for only one daughter. If they got anything aside from that, the child would be... disposed of..."

My eyes widened.

Baghra nodded grimly. "When you and your twin, Nate, were born, it was realised he could not simply be drowned like the others: for you are two halves of the same whole. Killing him would mean you'd never wield the same power that you ancestors did."

I stared at my palms, tears threatening to fall. "So... it took them all that time to find a way to..." I looked up at her. "We knew something was wrong. In the months leading up to it... mother and father would argue. I always thought father was defending us but... I realise now he was only 'proposing another option'."

Baghra sighed. "I showed them a way to take your brother's life and... pass his abilities over to you..." she straightened. "I sorely regret it."

My eyes glazed over. "I... watched him die. I watched it all unfold... and I could do nothing to prevent it..." I muttered.

"So you ran away, child?"

"Yes. And I made sure to alert the local Drüskelle of my parents whereabouts; told them they were Grisha who had taken my brother's life," I chuckled sadly. "It wasn't a lie,"

Baghra placed a hand over her heart.

"I can't control the Kügelblitz anymore, Nate's power and my own are too much to handle," I sighed, looking up at her. "I went to Ketterdam, where I met a brewer, ex-medical student- he made me a drug that would numb my ability."

"You and him are the only ones who know what I am," I finished.

Baghra leant back in her chair, tilting her head. "You came all this way for answers?"

I nodded, showing her my tattoo. "I created the Mortality so I'd never have to walk in the dark. A group of people who listen to the going-ons for entry into an exclusive club. This was the last answer I wanted."

"I've seen Grisha in the Little Palace with that tattoo," Baghra began to smile. "I suspect your little club has grown more than you had anticipated?"

My eyes widened. "Completely out of my hands, it seems."

"Adelaide Kübrik." Baghra said. "Stop wasting your potential with drugs and alcohol and cigarettes," I stared at her incredulously, and she raised a hand. "I can smell the tobacco, girl. You need to stop lying, stop pretending you're someone else. You are a bloody Kübrik! Now, get out of here!"

I nodded, getting to my feet. I wasn't just a Kübrik, I was the last Kübrik.

"Saint, you're right. Thank you, Baghra." I took the bag of Theo's powder from my pocket, glancing at the fire and then at Baghra.

She shrugged. "Go ahead."

I smiled, tossing it into the hearth. It spat and burned into nothing.

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