the place itself resonated a scent of peace, solitude but also the vibe of lonely, to goblin. he set himself at the red cushion and aligned himself on parallel and let his feet flu above the arm rest, in midair. he opened to where he left and read the lines slowly, one by one.  

Love's Gravity

In a world where chaos reigns supreme,
You entered like a beautiful dream.
A force of nature, pulling me near,
Love's gravity, I couldn't steer.

Your smile, a constellation of stars,
Guiding me through life's memoirs.
Your laughter, a celestial choir,
In your presence, my heart's desire.

With every heartbeat, we draw close,
Bound together, nothing to impose.
Like planets orbiting the sun,
Our love's dance, forever begun.

Your touch, a magnetic sensation,
Igniting my soul's conflagration.
I'm drawn to you, without a choice,
Your love, my shelter, my solace.

Like tides pulled by the moon's allure,
Our love's embrace, forever pure.
No matter how far we may roam,
You are the place my heart calls home.

In this cosmic journey, you're my guide,
Love's gravity, impossible to hide.
Ensnared by you, my heart's decree,
Together, we'll soar, endlessly.

he sighed at the latter of the verse. and there was the rain outside, droplets pouring along the glass roof, towards the earth's gravity to nourish the soil. 

he knew, that he will need to leave this eternity once and for all, once his bride showed up. and he just couldn't admit the fact, that he was in pain, from thousands of bloods at his chest, waiting to be nothingness by the blessed hands of his bride. 

even though my bride showed up...will i be able to give her the love she deserves.... or will i only seek for her blessed hands just to be nothingness.... goblin said to himself and closed the book and seated up on the red cushion. he watched the wall clock, and he knew the dinner was near, and he heard noises back from the kitchen, and he knew that it might be mix or the other uninvited guest, the grim reaper. he made himself to stand up and tried to walk towards the kitchen, but suddenly he was in fumes, and he knew exactly why. 

AHH HAH....i finally got the way to summon was win with excitement on the other end, wearing a cute fluffy white hoodie, standing near the candle stand, at the church. and yes, goblin was summoned inside a church. he looked around the area that he was summoned and glanced at win, as if he was giving off a vibe saying," why summoned me at a church out of all the places".

 i knew this was the way to summon was excited so much. finally got out of the conclusion thinking that he was the Tinkerbell and though in serious to come with a logical scenario, that is blowing out a candle, and cheers, goblin was there. his bunny teeth were showing, adding to his cute fluffy rosy cheeks he had. unknowingly, goblin was looking at win, seeing him for more than seconds now. 

he has bunny teeth, goblin thought. 

his eyes twinkle when he smiles...bright thoughts ran along his mind in speed. 

mister...what are you thinking...dont tell me...are you still regretting that i wasnt a Tinkerbell...yeah me said in rush and sighed cutely. 

you ask me the question and answered it yourself...what a weird little kid...goblin said with a "done" face and started to walk towards the entrance door as this was kind of a "not so good place to be", as goblin had some serious issues with God itself.

Bright win: The lonely god and his brideWhere stories live. Discover now