15. SKY

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It's now a couple months into the semester and the University is holding its annual Autumn Festival.

At the beginning of the semester, Jimin auditioned along with a few other students to be the opening act. The opening act would put on a performance for the opening ceremony.

With Jimin's perfect leadership skills, passion and talent, he and his group of dancers were chosen. Jimin chose a specific song that he felt was related to his love life at the moment.

In fact it was like a tribute to Jungkook. He needed Jungkook to see it. So here he is early in the morning makeup halfway done begging Taehyung for a favor.

"Please TAE! I need Jungkook to see the performance. All I need you to do is lead Jimin to the opening ceremony, front row" Jimin begs

Taehyung whips around looking at Jimin like he's crazy "Jimin, i'm not doing it. Aren't you pissed off at him? Why're you still trying to confess your love for this guy? He made things clear"

Jimin grabs at his hair desperately "Yes I know it doesn't make sense. And YES I am pissed off. But...I just haven't been able to tell him how I feel. Just because he hurt me doesn't mean I don't want to get these feeling off my chest" he said dramatically shouting

Taehyung rolls his eyes "Then just sit down at a cafe and tell him. What happened to my cute and sassy Jiminie? You're bold enough to flirt with him and ask him on dates but not confess the simple words..." Taehyung then brings his hands together and makes his voice sound like Jimin's higher tone "OH! JUNGKOOK IM IN LOVE WITH YOU HAHA HEHE!"

Jimin scoffs "I do not sound like! And telling someone you're in love with them is different okay? I want to make it more dramatic so he knows I means it. Even if we don't end up together I-I...I feel that he might feel guilty after I finally admit it" he said sadly

Taehyung just sighs pinching the top of his nose "Fine...only because you want him to feel guilty and finally just admit it. I understand that much..."

Jimin squeals "Thank you Tae Tae! Make sure you get Jungkook right away!"

Jimin then runs back into the bathroom to finish his make up. He then changes into the inspired outfit that was in the music video for the song he chose.

Soon after he rushes out the door and meets up with his dance team to go over a few things. The ceremony was going to start in two hours.

After about an hour of practice they were called to get ready for the stage. The stage was set up outside the campus grounds.

Specifically on the schools large soccer/ football  field. Jimin and his team were hyping each other up while the crowd of students and non students were gathering at the main stage.

"Alright team" he said to the mixture of boys and girls, five in total including Jimin "Don't forget to smile and have fun. Good luck everyone"

They all cheer and then they were told to get on stage. As soon as they got on stage Jimin noticed Jungkook and Taehyung in the front.

He gave a thumbs up to the both of them. When the music started everyone went to their appropriate places and started the choreography.

(Jimin is dressed similarly to Danielle and doing her parts)

Throughout the performance Jimin made sure to make eye contact with Jungkook. Overall the crowd was excited and cheering for the dance team.

Jungkook was definitely staring at Jimin the whole time. He would do that thing where even pokes his tongue against his cheek. It was a sexy sight. But Jimin remembers he's currently mad at Jungkook.

When the performance was over they get off stage and he high fives his team members. Just then he gets a tap on the shoulder and it was Jungkook.

They exchange an intense look with each other and eventually walk off somewhere private. They walked away from the noise on the other side of campus near some big tree.

"You wanted to talk?" Jimin said with annoyance in his voice

"Yeah uh...that was a great performance. Finally you showed me your dancing" Jungkook said with a awkward little laugh "You looked really good"

Jimin rolls his eyes "Listen, i'm going to say this one time and one time only....stop stringing me a long when you know i'm in love with you!"

Jungkook looks at Jimin surprised "W-What did you just say?"

"I said, i'm in love with you! I thought I made that fairly clear" Jimin pokes his fingers angrily at Jungkook's buffed chest "I'm not trying to be like your other flings. I want to be yours and yours only! I guess I didn't make it obvious enough. How dare yo—"

Jungkook takes pushes Jimin against the tree lifting both of his hands up. Jungkook then kisses Jimin with fever. Jimin tries to fight it but the feelings and memories of their first kiss invaded his tainted mind.

He started to kiss back and he closes his eyes. His heart beating so fast and the butterflies flutter in his stomach. Jungkook also had the same feelings.

Something he tried so hard to ignore for so long, but it was hard. Especially when he felt bad for how he treated Jimin the very last time. This kiss was full of love. When they pull away out of breath Jimin again confesses.

"Jungkook I can't help it but...I'm in love with you. I always have been"

Jungkook quickly moves away and he looks at Jimin conflicted. He shakes his head. "I-I'm sorry...I need some time" he said then ran away leaving Jimin against the tree in shock

"D-Did he just reject me after kissing, ME!?"


imagine Jimin actually dancing to HYPE BOY ugh that would be iconic 😫

I know collaborations with other kpop groups aren't common in terms of releasing music but...it'll be so cool to hear BTS & New Jeans do a song together in the future 😭

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