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Emery's Pov~
  After dinner we walked along side the beach away from home we wanted to be able to walk for a little while. We also were trying to catch the sunset in time too. "I hope you had a good night?" He asked shoving one of his hands in his pockets I nodded my head. "I did, it was actually wonderful" I smiled looking over at him a bit. "Look we made it in time see we didn't miss it!" he pointed across the water. I looked over to watch the sun set in front of us. "Wow it's beautiful" I whispered I could feel a pair of eyes burning in the side of my head. "Yeah it definitely is beautiful" I looked over at him he still didn't look away I felt the heat rise to my cheeks quickly.

"Oh shut up" I shoved him a bit he laughed shaking his head. "Come on I wanna show you something" he held his hand out I looked at it then back up at him. I took his hand he tugged me a bit we jogged down the beach a little.  Once we got down by the docks the water was a bit higher this time we took me over under the docks "now they always hide out here where are they" he looked around for a moment. I raised my eyebrow a little lost. "Steve what are you doing?"I asked him he bent down digging in the sand just a little.

He pulled out a beautiful shell I walked over to him. "Wow" he smiled at me "I always came here with Mary to get these every day as we grew up." He handed me it "You keep it you need it more then me." He placed it down in y hands I looked up at him confused "I need it more? Why?" I asked him he wrapped his arm around my waist looking down at me. "You make a wish on it and don't tell anyone it may or may not come true" i titled my head confused "Are you making this up? I feel like you are" I titled my head a bit at him.

"Make a wish find out" I stood there thinking for a moment. Then it popped up in my head. I closed my eyes and made the wish "Okay now what?" I opened my eyes he let me go. "Now you keep it in your left pocket till the wish comes true. Then you come back here and throw it into the ocean." I shoved it into my pocket "So what did you wish for?" He asked I laughed rolling my eyes "Say's the man who just told me not to tell anyone" he laughs wrapping his arm around me. "Yeah yeah come on let's head back we got work tomorrow." We walked back to his truck.

~Weeks Later~

Emery's Pov~
I walked up to the building going to climb up the stairs I always walked to these meetings it cleared my head. "Hey" I turned to see Steve jogging up "Hey you back? What are you doing here?" He jogged up the stairs "You never told me you come to these" he pointed at the building I sighed deeply looking behind me to see the support group and leader talking "Yeah I don't really like talking about it Mary got to bugging me about where I go I guess she told you?" He rubbed his jaw softly looking around.

"Well she said it was a big day today, that your finally going to talk about Logan and I want to be there for you" I smiled softly at him "Thank you Steve but I think I'm ready to do this alone." He smiled softly at me and stepped up some more closer to me. "Oh well then let me be here In support as your boyfriend." I went to speak but I stopped I looked up at him quickly "My what?" I asked he smiled softly wrapping his arms around my waist. "You heard me beautiful" I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Is this your way of asking me out?" I smiled softly at him he nodded his head "Is it working?" He asked I nodded my head  he smiled wide at me "Come on your going to be late" I shook my head "Nah it's alright, you can come on in just stay in the back and be quiet. I know how you love to talk" he laughed leaning down pecking my lips softly. "Come on princess." He pulled away slowly grabbing my hand we walked up the stairs towards the leader. "Emery so happy you can make it today. Who is this?" Luna asked turning towards Steve a little. "This is umm my umm.. I'm her boyfriend Steve" he held his hand out "Freshly" she added with a smirk Luna smiled widely "Oh so your the mysterious Steve guy" he slowly turned towards me I groaned loudly

"Oh I hope it's all good things" Luna hip checked me softly "Can't spill all my girls secret's but yes good things." Steve smiled softly "Why don't you join us today huh? Emery here is finally ready to open a little more about herself" Steve smiled nodding his head "I'd love to" she waved her arm "Well come on meeting starts in ten minute" we followed her inside towards the gym.

~Hour later~
"And that's when I came down to Hawaii" I smiled softly at my hands I looked back up at the group. "So tell us more about Hawaii why did you run here?" Luna asked I turned looking to my left Steve sat in a chair in the back a bit "There was someone here that filled that dark hole every time it came down to something about Logan. Like when he left for the navy" we didn't break eye contact at all "He helped me through the time he came back hurt badly, He was there for me when Logan and I fought. He was my best friend and still is to this day" he smiled softly winking at me I smiled down at my hands again.

"Is he here in this room with us today?" Luna asked I nodded my head softly I pointed at him the group turned his face quickly turned pale. "Oh Uhm, hi sorry I didn't prepare a speech or anything I didn't know I was supposed to talk I kinda got told to sit down and be quiet" the group laughed a bit I shook my head softly at him. "That's alright just say who you are that's all" he nodded his head standing up he waved his hands "Alright uhm my name is Steve McGarrett and I'm that friend" he waved his hand I covered my face with my hands as heat rushed up to my cheeks.

"Alright thank you Steve." We went back to talking about my brother for the rest of the session tomorrow was the last day and I was the final one to open up it took a while we walked out the building "Emery wait up." Luna jogged up to me and Steve as we walked over to his truck I stopped and turned towards her. "What's up?" I asked she handed me a poker chip. "Graduation is the following weekend you finally can graduate." I held the poker chip in my hand twirling it around. "You been doing this for six months now, when you first came here you were quiet and distant now your a butterfly I'm excited for you. I'll see you the following weekend have a good night you two" I smiled I rushed up to her pulling her into a hug she froze for a moment then hugged me back. "Thank you for everything you did for me Luna" she slowly pulled away with a small smile. "No it's all you, you did it all your self I just gave you a small push." She softly placed her hands on my shoulders "Go have a good night with your soldier" she walked away steve stood leaning against his truck.

"I'm your soldier now?" He asked I rolled my eyes walking up to him nodding my head. "Yes sir, come on let's head home" he opened my door for me I climbed in

When the time is right ~ Steve McGarrettWhere stories live. Discover now