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Emery's Pov~
  "Ladies and gentlemen if you look out the window you can see the beautiful state of Hawaii. Buckle up we will be landing in five minutes" I smiled buckling my self up looking out the window. Hawaii was beautiful from up above can't wait to see what it's like. The plane landed everyone got off heading to the baggage claim ((A/N: I've never been on a plane so I don't know what goes on or what happens during everything so bear with me))

I grabbed my bags off the belt and walked around the airport. Now it was off to find a place to crash till I can get back onto my feet and settle down here in Hawaii.

Emery's Pov-

"Come on Emery let's go you been sitting here for hours now." Logan sat down next to me I looked over at him with tears in my eyes playing with the bear. "Look I know it's hard for you to find out this way but look at the bright side." I shook my head looking down at the bear Steve won me at the fair last month. "What's on the bright side Logan? Never seeing Steve again?" I asked him he sighed wrapping his arm around me pulling me into his side.

"Listen, when the time is right you two will be together again and honestly I hope you do because I liked Steve. He was good for you." I chuckled looking at the bear. Logan was right Steve always protected me in school always had my back was always by my side no matter how I treated him. "Yeah he was a good kid huh?" I asked him he smiled softly at me "I for a while thought you two had a thing till I caught you picking on him with Mary" I rolled my eyes he laughed shaking his head "Come on mom made your favorite" my face lit up I smiled side.

"What are we waiting for get get" I waved my hands he laughed climbing out of the tree house down the ladder I followed right behind him.


Mary's Pov~

There was a knock on my door I sighed knowing it was gonna be Steve he called me a hour ago snapping about something. I sighed opening the door "What Steven?" I asked but I froze as she raised her eyebrow at me "Woah, what ever Steve did I'm sure he did deserve it" she smiled wide at me I smiled squealing and pulling her into a tight hug. "Ahhh Emery your really here oh my god" I held her tightly she laughed hugging me back "When did you get here?" I asked her she shrugged her shoulders pulling her phone out after I pulled away.

"Well roughly a couple hours ago I had to find a hotel." I shook my head laughing stepping back "No your not staying in a hotel your a family friend come stay with me?" She walked inside I shut the door behind me she walked into the living room I was right behind her. "Noo I don't want to be a burden. I'm actually moving here I wanna be away from home everything reminds me of Logan." My heart stung a little she didn't keep eye contact at all she keep looking at her feet. "Your not going to be a burden girl. It's okay you need this my door is always open I'm not going to push you okay?" She nodded her head a tad looking up at me.

"Thanks Mary that means a lot. Can we talk I missed you?" She asked I nodded my head we sat down on my couch and started to talk

Emery's Pov~

"Do you want something to drink?" She asked I nodded my head a little "Yeah a water will be good thank you" she nodded her head getting up off the couch I looked around the house it was cute and little I smiled softly once I looked at the stand next to the couch it was her and Steve along with there mom and dad. "Hey how is Steve?" I asked her she chuckled a bit. "Well he ain't so little no more." I rolled my eyes smiling headlights shined on her blinds. "Actually speaking of the devil if he starts yelling I apologize." My heart dropped to my stomach. I was scared but excited at the same time.

The door flew open "MARY!" He yelled he walked right past me and into the kitchen his back was facing me "What the hell is wrong with you!" He yelled Mary looked at me and back at Steve he was tall. "Hello!" Steve waved his hand in front of her face. "Say hi Steve" Mary said Steves stance changed and he turned once his eyes landed on me they studied me for a moment. I waved a little "Hi Steve" his entire facial expression changed "Emery?" He asked I nodded my head.

He rushed up to me lifting me up into a tight hug. "Emery!" He held me tight in his arms I smiled a little laughing as I hugged him back. "Hello to you to Steve" I smiled softly nuzzling my head into the cranny of his neck he soon placed me back down on my feet we pulled apart. "What.. What are you doing here? How long are you staying here?" He asked I shrugged my shoulders "I'm hoping for good as long as that's okay with you two. I'm stepping down from the DEA" Mary's eyes widened "What!?" She rushed up to us

"Why? You were doing amazing." Steve said I raised my eyebrow looking at Mary. "I tell him a lot of things you tell me only because he ask's about you a lot." I looked back over at Steve as he stood there. "Listen when I'm ready to talk about that I will okay? Now can we get back to how much you aren't soo little Steve now? What happened to you your not Nerdy McGarrett no more" he smiled at me I don't know what that was in my stomach but it sure in the hell felt different now when he smiles at me.

When the time is right ~ Steve McGarrettDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora