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Emery's Pov~
"EMERY!" Danny yelled I ran through the woods once we spotted the building we've been walking these woods for almost a half hour now trying to find this building once it came into my eye sight I ran for it. I leaned over a log "God you are just like Steve" Chin said running up along side me I laughed shaking my head "Don't know what your talking about" he rolled his eyes  I climbed up the tree just a bit I pulled out my binoculars looking around.

"What do you see flash?" Danny asked jogging up breathing heavily "Two guards on the east side another two in the south." I put them away climbing down from the tree "Joe can come with Danny,Chin and I others can get the rest of the guards." We walked to our spots waiting for the others to get there. "If anything bad happens Emery I want you to stay behind with Joe okay?" Danny said looking over at me I stayed quiet "Emery" I looked over at him sighing deeply "Okay" I whispered "we are in position" everyone replied on the coms "Alright let's move in and get our boy back" Chin said we moved in quickly and fast.

Danny and Chin went ahead of us while Joe and I took care of everything else. "Come on" Joe called out I followed him down the hall once I turned the bend Steve was limping out the room with Danny and chin by his side. He was covered in taser marks water blood and sweat I couldn't speak the words were stuck in my throat. I just ran up and hugged him causing the three of them to stumble back a bit. He chuckle wrapping his one arm around me letting Chin go. "Hey there princess" I sniffled nuzzling my head into his chest. His hand softly rubbed up and down my back. "I'm okay." He whispered I nodded my head pulling away placing my forehead against his "Let's go home" he whispered I nodded my head I moved away so Danny could take back over

We walked back to the helicopter Joe walked along side me. "You alright?" He asked i teared my eyes away from Steve looking up at him. "Huh?" I asked he laughed a bit shaking his head. "Are you alright?" He asked again I nodded my head "Oh, yeah I'm alright now that he's back and alive" I looked back over at him they got him back into the helicopter "Come here" Steve tapped a spot next to him Joe helped me up into the helicopter I sat down next to him between Joe and Danny. He softly grabbed my hand holding it tight. Joe leaned over patting Steve on the shoulder he used his free hand holding onto Joe's.


I sat in the room along side him as the nurse gave him some more medication. "He will be up soon he's really tired he keep falling asleep on us" I nodded my head "It's alright, how much longer is visiting hours?" I asked her she looked over at the clock. "You still got two hours but I'm here all night so if you want to stay that's okay with me it will be our little secret." I smiled softly at her thanking her as she cleaned up her mess leaving the room.

Soft groans came over from the bed I looked down to see him slowly opening his eyes. "Hey you" I smiled softly turning towards him "Where am I?" He asked I smiled softly "The hospital Danny and I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I smiled softly down at him he nodded his head closing his eyes. "Your still here where is everyone else?" He asked laying there with his eyes closed. "They went home to get cleaned up they will be back soon. Probably tomorrow it's kinda late." He nodded his head it fell quiet for a minute. "So we are alone?" He asked I nodded my head he closed his eyes again "Thank you Emery, I know that took a lot of courage to get back into the field again just to rescue poor old me." I chuckled a bit shaking my head softly "You'd do the same for me I at least hope so?" He laughed a little soon started coughing and groaning "Sorry didn't mean to hurt you." I sat up a bit grabbing his bucket of ice water I poured him some and handed it to him.

"Thank you" he took a sip I nodded my head. He looked over at me "Hey listen you didn't hurt me. This has been going on before you walked into my life again. There's no need to apologize alright?" I smiled softly at him "I would come to your rescue when ever you need it." He leaned back into the bed I smiled down at my hands. It fell quite for a little bit nothing but the heart monitor beeping. I got up out of the seat I walked over to the side of his bed lifting up the covers his arm was in a sling he opened up his eyes looking up at me.

I froze for a minute debating to get in or not "Yes?" He asked I said screw it anyways and climbed into the bed right next to him. I pulled the covers back over me "Make some room you good" I nuzzled a little he laughed a bit moving over "Goodnight" I whispered he softly kissed the top of my head whispering underneath his breath. "Goodnight princess" I smiled softly looking at the curtain across from me I let my eyes fall shut and letting the world around us go silent

When the time is right ~ Steve McGarrettWhere stories live. Discover now