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Emery's Pov~
We walked inside Danny and Steve were talking pain suddenly started to form in my chest. I fell back I looked around for a place to sit I couldn't find one at all I pressed my self against the wall. I slowly slid down it placing my hand on my chest softly the pain was getting bigger it was engulfing me it started to get harder to breath "Em" I heard Steve call out my name I looked up at him making eye contact. He rushed over to me pushing past people.

"Hey, hey it's okay look at me" he grabbed my face softly my breathing was quicker it was hard to breath "Just look me in the eyes and focus on my breathing okay?" I nodded my head I looked him into the eyes he propped him self up on one knee "You're strong" he whispered the pain was still hurting and my breathing wasn't getting any better. "You're Powerful" he keep whispering little things trying to help me calm down. "You're beautiful Emery you are a better cop then I am" he leaned down to my ear whispering that he pulled away the pain faded away slowly my lungs are screaming for air.

He grabbed my hands after letting my face go pressing the on his chest. "Breath with me okay? Focus on your hands as they move with my breathing" I nodded my head slowly my breathing became normal. "You're okay, now let's go kick some ass okay?" He helped me up off the ground a guard and waiter stopped us. "I saw you were struggling earlier I ran to get help.. but seems to me your date found you." The waiter said I nodded my head placing my hand on his chest. "Oh yes he did thank you that was very kind of you. I'm just bad with big events" the guard nodded his head "Well if you need anything the Boss's bed is open if you'd like to lay down your date can come also so he won't be lonely." I nodded my head smiling softly

"Steve, that's where Lynch's files are in his bed room" Lou said over the com's Steve looked over at me. "Actually I feel like she needs to lay down still she was feeling light headed don't let her fool you. She's been my girlfriend for eight years." I looked up at him. The guard raised his eyebrow "Still haven't tied the knot? Follow me I'll take you to his room" when we walked in I made eye contact with Danny and Kono they nodded there heads towards me.

"She moved away to the main lands when she was a kid I haven't seen her since now." Steve said looking ahead still he looked hurt about that. It kinda hurt me his fingers linked with mine his hand was bigger then mine. We walked into the room I went straight for the bed and laid down. "If you need anything we will be right outside this door let us know I'll come check on you and see how you are in ten minutes." The guy shut the door behind him. I flew up out the bed

"EIGHT YEARS!" I whispered yelled he turned towards me "I WAS UNDER PRESSURE!" He whispered yelled back I rolled my eyes "Come on we don't have enough time we got to find the stuff" he said I rolled my eyes quickly helping him look around in the desk. I got down underneath the desk I noticed a small box screwed underneath it I went to start to unscrew it I got it off and found the paper work. "Who does this?" I asked Steve he helped me out from underneath as i finished putting it back up.

The drop opened Steve quickly pulled me in smashing his lips onto mine. I was shocked at first but melts into the kiss. The hand with the paper slid up his chest tucking the papers into the inside of his jacket pocket. The kiss sent fireworks all through out my stomach I moved my hands up into his hair. It's been ages since ive ever had a kiss like this before. Let me rephrase that it's been a very long time since I've kissed anyone. The man cleared his throat. "Looks like she is feeling a lot better now." Steve stepped back quickly "Sorry I couldn't be seen being weak with my girl in front of my friends now." Steve smiled wrapping his arm around my waist. My lips were still tingling wanting more.

"Well now that she is feeling better you guys can head back to the party." I nodded my head placing my hand on his chest. "Actually I think it's time to head home let's tell our friends I got sick. I want more of you" I smirked wrapping my finger on the inside of his top tugging him out the room and down the hall. "Are you guys alright?" Danny asked in coms I looked over at the dance floor they were dancing keeping a crowd around them. "Yeah meet you back home" we walked out the party and to his truck he opened the door for me. "Thank you" I climbed up inside it


I sat on the bench as Steve was looking through the papers. I couldn't get what happened back there at the party. "Hey Steve I have a question." He looked up from the papers over at me. "What's up?" He asked I sighed looking down at my feet I took a deep breath. "Why did you kiss me? I mean not that I don't regret it or that I didn't like it." He keep looking at me didn't move didn't even break eye contact. He tossed the papers down on the table and walked up to the front of the table he leaned against it crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why did you kiss me back?" He smirked at me I opened my mouth to speak. "Alright let's see what these papers are about" Danny said walking in I cleared my throat grabbing my bag and phone "I think I'll call myself a cab have a good night" I walked out the headquarters before anything else was said.

When the time is right ~ Steve McGarrettWhere stories live. Discover now