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Emery's Pov~
I smiled watching Steve celebrate his victory with the rest of the football team. I sat there sipping on my drink "Hellooo ladies" Logan plopped his self down next to us I smiled softly at him. "What are you doing hereeee!" I groaned he shoved me a little laughing. "Oh relax I just came to drop by and congratulate Steve and leave alright? I won't ruin your night." I looked over pointing at Steve.

"He's free now is your chance" he looked over then back at me he leaned over kissing the side of my head. "Have fun be safe and wrap it before you tap it" he tapped my back laughing walking away.  I was lifted up out my my seat quickly "PUT ME DOWN" I yelled his laugh was loud and clear it was Eric. The school bully "Nahh I don't think soo" he walked towards the pool I started to freak out in his arms "Eric stop!!" I started to freak out I don't know how to swim I was never taught how to swim.

"Eric she can't swim stop it!" Mary yelled he stopped at the edge of the pool "Oh yeah watch this" I was in the matter of seconds engulfed by water slowly sinking to the bottom I struggled hard trying to swim to the top but it just wasn't working I tried hard to breath a face came into view it was Steve and Logan. Logan shoved me off towards Steve as we broke the surface I started to cough clinging onto Steve. "I'm right here Steve bring her to me" Mary kneeled next to the pool we swam over towards her. Steve hoisted me up out the water on the ledge with Mary and a couple other people.

"Here" Rj wrapped a towel around me Robert and Daryl held Eric walking up towards us. Steve helped my brother out of the water after he got out. "What do you want to do with him Steve?" Robert asked Steve kneeled down next to me "Are you alright Em?" He asked I looked up at Eric for a split second then over to Steve I shook my head "I wanna go home." He looked up at Logan nodding his head Logan leaned down helping me up off the ground I coughed a bit. Logan took his jacket off wrapping it around me.

"Come on let's get you home kiddo" we walked in the house I heard a lot of cheering and screaming coming from behind me I went to look. "I wouldn't look if I was you let's get you home" he took me home.


I walked out the bathroom with my hair wrapped up in a towel. "Hey" I jumped to see Mary walking in holding my stuff. "Oh thank you" I smiled walking up to her taking my stuff away to my desk. "What happened after I left?" I asked she sighed walking over to my bed plopping down on it. "Well you know how my brother is he beat the living shit out of Eric because of what he did the then Daryl and Robert kicked him and his other assholes out." I smiled sorting through my things "you know there's a mirror in front of you right?" She said I looked up she sat there smirking.

"Anyways he is downstairs talking to Logan." She stood up off my bed. "I have to go to the bathroom" she walked out my room I sat the stuff down walking out my room down stairs to the kitchen "Thanks man, that really means a lot to me and Emery." He was leaning against the kitchen sink. "Hey" they both turned looking at me Logan looked over at Steve. "Hey I think you two should talk I'll be back" Logan walked out the room.

"I umm never got to say thank you for what you did back there" he shook his head he moved more into the light his lip was busted "Oh my god are you okay?" I stepped forward grabbing his jaw lightly he laughed a bit. "Yeah yeah I'm alright don't worry about me, you okay?" He asked I nodded my head with a small smile on my face. From that moment there is when the feelings definitely became a thing.


Danny's Pov~
"Your a little too excited for this" I said fixing his shirt he looked down at me. "Look man there's a lot of things you don't know about that and it don't make sense." I titled my head confused and lost "What are you talking about man?" I asked him he sighed deeply standing up off the couch. "Emery and I haven't always been close and you know that. Once I saw how badly she was bullied and Mary wasn't because of me it bugged me." He crossed his arms over his chest leaning against his sink.

"So what did you do?" I asked he looked over at me "I protected her also, there was this party after we won the last season of football she came with Mary there was this dick head his name was Eric he was on my team that was like the king asshole." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Let me guess you beat his ass?" I asked he laughed nodding his head "But not because of despite, I never knew Emery couldn't swim" I adjusted my self raising my eyebrow "What happened?" I asked he sighed shoving his hands in his pockets. "Eric threw her into the pool, once them words left Mary's mouth me and Logan were the first two in that pool to rescue her." I leaned against the fridge.

"After we got her out Logan made me promise that night to watch over her since he was going over sea's he didn't want anyone to hurt his sister. He put his trust in me Danny. I can't screw this up and lose her and will never be able to protect her" I pushed my self off the fridge walking over to him patting his shoulder. "I wouldn't worry about anything buddy, I think things will be okay between the two of you." He looked over at me "You th" the doorbell went off he quickly shoved me out the back door "Sorry to cut this short thanks for the prep talk Danno" I laughed shaking my head walking around the front of the house.

Steve's Pov~

"Door is open" it was silent for a few moments the the handle turned I adjusted my self standing there tall I held my jacket I was beyond nervous. The door fully opened there she stood tall and beautiful. My heart was basically beating out my chest crawling across the floor to her begging to be held and protected by her touch. "Hi" she smiled waving that smile made me weak in my knees "Hi" I smiled walking up to her pulling her into a hug.

When the time is right ~ Steve McGarrettWhere stories live. Discover now